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[TRADE] Help to evolve my trade only pokemon please
Hi guys, 
I'm new to pokemon forever but I undertake the gist of how it works 
I'm looking for someone to trade and also max out my friends list for that pesky 1000 flag challenge in order to get a certain mega stone.
If you can all help my I'd appreciate it. I'm haven't memorised my friend code for me 3DS but It should be listed on my profile 

Please help Sad
add me
tryed adding you said your FC wasnt valid
My FC to the left.  I can assist you.  I'll add you and wait online. 

Same here, your FC wasn't valid.
care if i add u saiman
(Jun 13, 2016, 02:41 PM)Drag Wrote: add me

Sorry about that don't know why it was invalid anyways I've added you 
(Jun 13, 2016, 02:46 PM)Saiman Wrote: My FC to the left.  I can assist you.  I'll add you and wait online. 

Added you now saiman
Same here, your FC wasn't valid.
Guys just bare with me for a second 
I'm having some difficulty "being online" 
Ironic how once I found people to trade nintendo servers want to be against me
Dude I'm sorry but it's saying nintendo servers are undergoing maintenance so you can't do online trading "/
Dude sorry for the late replies but it's saying the nintendo servers are undergoing maintenance so it's not allowing me to add and even trade with people at the moment.
Will add you once this has solved and send you both trade requests 
Thanks for everything

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