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Need a Chimchar with Hidden Ability
Hey! I need a chimchar with hidden ability, does anybody have one??

I have 5ivs wooper with HA, 5ivs corsola, 4ivs dratini HA, 5ivs eevee, 5ivs charmander and 5ivs froakie!!!

Let me know if someone can trade me one!!!

I think I have one on the evolution line with it's HA.
@Platinum2183 Thats awesome! so if it ts we can trade it!
(Jun 28, 2016, 09:31 AM)atlas20 Wrote: @Platinum2183 Thats awesome! so if it ts we can trade it!

Alright I have an infernape with iron fist so i'll quickly breed that. Are you bothered by IVs?
@Platinum2183 Well im trying to get a perfect Infernape, so if it already has some perfect ivs, that would be awesome!!!
(Jun 28, 2016, 09:41 AM)atlas20 Wrote: @Platinum2183 Well im trying to get a perfect Infernape, so if it already has some perfect ivs, that would be awesome!!!

alright, give me 15 minutes, i have to do something real quick. Thanks!
@Platinum2183 okay! Perfect then, i added you
(Jun 28, 2016, 10:02 AM)atlas20 Wrote: @Platinum2183 okay! Perfect then, i added you

alright i have an iron fist female with thunder punch egg move, and also 4IV i believe. May i have a wooper?
@Platinum2183 yes! i have a wooper with stockpile and HA (5ivs)
@Platinum2183 do you wanna trade more 4/5 ivs pokemon?

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