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LF: Help Trading to Evolve
Hey guys, I'm looking to evolve my Porygon (into both evolutions) and my Pumpkaboo so was hoping someone here could help me out.  I do want both Pokemon back afterwards.
I can help when maintenence is over.
I tend to give away free shinies.
i am able to help as well
Spreedsheet of Friend safaris Here =)
I'm also going to add Kadabra to the list. Smile
If you still need help for whatever, let me know
I added all of you so whoever is online next can initiate a trade with me. Smile
@Ducky @NoRaTiX @Raestro I am online now if any of you are too.
@ehju0901 booting up now. if you still need someone to trade for you
Spreedsheet of Friend safaris Here =)
@ehju0901  Your alakazam wants to learn reflect. Yes no? if yes what move should i get rid of?
Miracle Eye
Spreedsheet of Friend safaris Here =)
I ended up not teach it reflect because reflect is a TM
Spreedsheet of Friend safaris Here =)

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