Poll: Next Giveaway?
This poll is closed.
Pokemon that evolve using certain items
28 53.85%
Grass Starters
13 25.00%
Generational Bugs
1 1.92%
Generational Birds
5 9.62%
Generational Normal Types
5 9.62%
Total 52 vote(s) 100%
* You voted for this item. [Show Results]

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[GIVEAWAY] Week 5: Shiny Split/Branched Evolutions (CLOSED)
Pokemon requested: Gallade
Pokemon deposited: Gloom
Gender of deposited: Female
Level of deposited: 29
Message: moo311

Really awesome giveaway! Thank you so much!
Pokemon requested: Slowbro
Pokemon deposited: Clefairy
Gender of deposited: male
Level of deposited: 30
Message: moo311
Pokemon requested: Slowbro
Pokemon deposited: Whismur
Gender of deposited: Male
Level of deposited: 15
IGN: Damien
Message: moo311
Thank you
Pokemon requested: Slowking
Pokemon deposited: Kangaskhan
Gender of deposited: Female
Level of deposited: 1
Message: moo311
Pokemon requested: Slowking
Pokemon deposited: Dratini
Gender of deposited: Female
Level of deposited: 1
Message: moo311
"Strong Pokémon. Weak Pokémon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled trainers should try to win with their favorites." - Karen of the John Elite 4
Pokemon requested: Glalie
Pokemon deposited: Gastly
Gender of deposited: female
Level of deposited: 1
Message: moo311
Thanks a lot! 
Requested: Hitmonlee
Deposited: Abra
Gender and Level: 1 Male 
Message: moo311
Pokemon requested: Slowbro
Pokemon deposited: Machop
Gender of deposited: Male
Level of deposited: 14
Message: moo311
Pokemon requested: Hitmontop
Pokemon deposited: Kecleon
Gender of deposited: Female
Level of deposited: 30
Message: moo311

Thanks again!
Omg your awesome I'm helping my brother complete his PokeDex and he needs a lot of these.

Deposited: Minun
Gender: male
Level: 9
Wanted: Hitmontop
Message: moo311

Thank you!
Money cannot buy happiness, but somehow, it's more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes Benz than a bicycle.

Previously Known as MistressGlaceon

uwu i can hacku

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