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LF: Last few Pokemon for my National Dex
Im down helping other people complete their dex's and for just being lent pokemon

233 : Porygon2 
409 : Rampardos 
 414 : Mothim 
 429 : Mismagius 
472 : Gliscor 
512 : Simisage 
542 : Leavanny 
549 : Lilligant 
 573 : Cinccino 
 578 : Duosion 
 583 : Vanillish 
606 : Beheeyem 
683 : Aromatisse
I can definitely help with the duosion, i'l see i can get a few others no promises though....
I can get a Vanillite and you can evolve it
You can find me on YouTube, Steam, and Twitter if you need to
Alright to both of you
(Aug 29, 2016, 02:51 PM)Trompelemonde Wrote: Alright to both of you
Okay, just give me a beep when we're both online! ^^
I have all of those pokemon (just completed national dex myself - Lots of trading on the GTS!). I'm willing to help you with anything you still need but all I would be looking for in return would be the 20th anniversary edition of manaphy and shaymin (I missed the event). I would even accept a copied version (I could also duplicate it myself) and I would also give u a copy of the event Arceus/Darkrai/Mew I have!!! let me know/PM me if you're interested!!
@Mertzstache  I'm afraid that I don't have either of those event pokemon
@Mertzstache  Is there anything else that you need?
nope! still willing to help out with ur dex tho! add my friend code and we can trade back and forth until you have all of the pokemon listed above in your dex! (all i ask is that i get my original pokemon back, i want to complete the dex easily when sun and moon come out)
@Mertzstache alright,  well my fc is 3969-8659-0680

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