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does any1 else HATE shinyies????
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ok guys i know what ur thinking like "wow alola donphan did u eat too many pixie stix today???" well yea maybe i did but here me out ok?


1 - they are just a diff color pokemon??? like ok??? so what?????? it doesn't do anything to ur pokemon to make it stronger???
2 - nintendo is lyers about how to get them!!!! soft reset? yea ok...i soft reset for shiny kyoger all day! i know wat shiny kyogrer looks like too you's freaking pink!!! i didnt miss it!! soft resets just do NOT WORK!!!
3 - they make people crazy!!!! people hack the game for shinyies and that is WRONG!!! hacking is like lying and no one likes is not fair! if we didnt have shinyies we would not have hackers!!!!
4 - trades are not faire anymore!!!! i saw a shiny oshawott on the gts and rly wanted it but guess what???? they wanted an arceus!!! i dont even freaking have an arceus!!!! oshawott is a good pokemon but it is not arceus good! it is just a baby!!
5 - shinyes are just stupid bc they dont look as good as the regular ones. like donphan my fave is way better than its shiny form
6 - i think shiny pokemon are just boring cuz they only sparkle when they come into battle but not again after dumb!!!

ok so what do you guys think??? who else hates shinyies? does any1 else agree w/me???

have a good day every1!!
- aloladonphan2998

ps i really hope donphan gets an alola form in sun and moon!!! how cool would that be???
1. I do agree, they are just a different color but they're rare, so it makes them special to those who just stumble upon them or avidly hunt for them.

2. If you're SRing for kyogre in ORAS it's not possible, it's shiny locked, meaning you can't get it as shiny in pokemon ORAS. In pokemon Sapphire you can though. SR does work and many other players including myself can attest to that, it's just a long process/WAY longer if you don't have the shiny charm.

3. People hack pkmn games for other reasons too, like perfect IV pokemon, OP pokemon, or to be able to run behind trees and places you wouldn't normally be able to go to if you played legit. So even if people didn't hack for shinies, they'd still hack for other reasons like stats/gameplay.

4. I mean you go onto GTS for any reasonable pokemon (shiny or not) and people want CRAZY pokemon in return, this has been happening long before ORAS and for pokemon that aren't shiny anyway.

5. Agreed, some shinies have really ugly/lame shiny forms that are either darker/lighter versions or just really ugly colors, which sucks. Sad

6. I mean, that's your opinion and I do agree, I wouldn't battle other people with shinies (I'm not a competitive trainer anyway) just to show off, if the pokemon doesn't have good stats I wouldn't use it in battle (shiny or regular).

I like shinies, but I mean there's more than one way to catch shinies, not just SR. Shinies are difficult to come by and are mainly just aesthetic, so there's no real charm to them besides those who like to collect them because they're cool looking or rare. I feel you do have valid points though!
Found a shiny? Talk about it here!!
Haha, first not to be mean, i suggest you get grammar check or something because lmao, I know this is just a forum (and who cares..?) but it might make your post a little more proffesional looking and legible (Or it might've just been me who had difficulties reading this post xD)...

Overall though, I think it's really cool to add shinies, since they add to the game, and uh... Kyogre is shiny locked in Alpha Sapphire...

And basically what Confide said...

Uh, most of these points are mainly opinions, so i won't say anything else....
well ur wrong bc of these reasons

1 - rare dosent mean special. just look at dodos they are dumb
2 - idc if you say you did it bc i cant trust u without watching. u must of got lucky.
3 - all hackers are bad i hate them it makes me feel like my game isn't as fun when i see hackers
4 - i dont believe you
6 - well u should never use a shiny pokemon anyway bc almost all of them are hacked in the first place.

im sorry if i offend u but ur just wrong. shinys are bad and most of them are hacked and even if they arent hacked they are only good for collectors. AND TEAM ROCKET COLLECTS RARE POKEMON SO YOU ARE JUST LIKE THEM
ok magic mops are you mrs. brown?? cus if so wow i didn't know you played pokemon too!!! i promise i will study hard for our next grammer test ok. im sorry i got mad and forgot to use good sentences.

i dont get what shiny locked means??? are you saying nintendo lyed and there is no shiny kyogre??
Well I mean how you define rare is up to you, but shiny pokemon are less common than regular pokemon, which makes them less likely to be found by the average player if they're not looking for a shiny.

If you don't trust me you can google "youtuber shiny legendary soft reset pokemon ORAS" or something like that and watch people who recorded themselves soft resetting to find them. Just because you don't believe in something doesn't mean it's not true. And I mean if I got lucky I still soft resetted for the pokemon, so SR does work. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You don't have to like hackers, but that's not going to stop them. Sometimes people hack pokemon games for the greater good though, like to clone/make pokemon that people want and can use to help their pokemon adventure.

Go to GTS and look for like a snorunt or a starter pokemon, most times people want legendaries or shinies in return. I ran into that problem a lot when I was completing my pokedex. Legendaries are, well, legendary, and a lot of people want them so they try to get them however they can (by trading or even by hacking).

No problem, some shinies are just really, really ugly *cough* octillery *cough*

And that's not true, all the pokemon I have caught are legitimate, and to say that most shinies are hacked is rather rude and ignorant because a lot of people put hours upon hours into pokemon to catch shinies legitimately (such as myself).

An opinion isn't wrong, it's my opinion that shinies are cool, and your opinion that shinies are bad. And that's okay, everyone is entitled to an opinion. But to blindly spread hate over something that a lot of people put their time and patience into is impolite Sad

Just because you don't believe something, doesn't mean it's not true. SR is a viable way to catch shinies (legendaries specifically), and just because people have shinies doesn't mean they're hackers, and to consider those people as such is very mean Sad

Shiny locked means that the pokemon can't be caught as shiny in that game, so you'll have to use another game to catch them. Just like you can't catch the legendaries as shiny in X/Y, you can't catch kyogre, groudon, rayquaza, or deoxys as shiny in ORAS. Every other legendary you can though.
Found a shiny? Talk about it here!!
(Sep 30, 2016, 02:00 PM)AlolaDonphan2998 Wrote: well ur wrong bc of these reasons

1 - rare dosent mean special. just look at dodos they are dumb
2 - idc if you say you did it bc i cant trust u without watching. u must of got lucky.
3 - all hackers are bad i hate them it makes me feel like my game isn't as fun when i see hackers
4 - i dont believe you
6 - well u should never use a shiny pokemon anyway bc almost all of them are hacked in the first place.
Haha sorry but i just can't watch someone trashtalk shinies, and i feel like I need to be involved... xD

Okay well the full odds of encountering a shiny is 1 in 8192, if this doesn't seem special to you, i don't know what will...
Most people are serious about shiny hunting and have found numerous shinies legitimately, not all shinies out there are "hacked".
Well I can understand why you have a hatred against hackers but in all honesty they don't really impact you and your gameplay, just steer yourself out of "hacked" pokemon. : P

If you don't believe people, i guess i can't really do anything about that, an opinion is an opinion.
Now i'm just going to back off because i feel like this is a troll... xD

*looks at Giveaway Section*
This kid just entered a shiny giveaway...

*moment of silence please*
Yes, shiny Pokémon are a different color, and that excites a majority of players, as your chances of getting a shiny are low, depending on the method you're using. It may not make them stronger, but a vast majority love the alternate color patterns. Some people love the sparkle, some people love the excitement of finding something so rare.

Soft resetting is a real thing, and has been proven multiple times, live on YouTube, Twitch, etc. Your chances of getting a shiny while soft resetting is 1/4096. There are some Pokémon that are shiny-locked however and cannot be obtained no matter how many times you soft reset :[ Hence why you didn't encounter the shiny Kyogre.

Players would hack the game regardless. Even if shiny pokémon never existed, people would still be hacking in Level 100 Jolly Kangaskhans w/ Fake Out, Sucker Punch, Earthquake, Double-Edge with perfect IV's & EV's.

People will ask for anything on the GTS, mostly legendaries however. They most likely never get what they request for in those sorts of trades.

I hope I helped! Have a good day!  Smile
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Well first off harsh mm Kay? You and MM and making reasonable and unreasonable points here. Plus this is just your opinion. Im a huge shiny collector but I'm not trying to steal some poor kids Pikachu everyday :/ Also don't you think your kinda being rude? Again just your opinion and people are ought to say what they think. Please be more nice guys ~.~
Money cannot buy happiness, but somehow, it's more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes Benz than a bicycle.

Previously Known as MistressGlaceon

uwu i can hacku

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