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AuS Spiritomb giveaway!

​​​​​​​added all of you!
(Nov 3, 2016, 10:44 AM)TheDancingRoserade Wrote: @Feax

​​​​​​​added all of you!

online Smile and thank you
(Nov 3, 2016, 10:44 AM)TheDancingRoserade Wrote: @Feax

added all of you!

Accepted. Smile
+ Reps

when will you be online? tell me when you are!
I'd like one please
@RhysZahBeast if @nandawin isn't going to claim his prize you'll get it
Any left?
(Nov 3, 2016, 11:58 AM)TheDancingRoserade Wrote: @nandawin 

when will you be online? tell me when you are!

Sorry, It was sleeping time. When you reply. When are you online? Do u want me to post something on GST?
@nandawin i understand tell me when you're online asap
(Nov 4, 2016, 07:52 AM)TheDancingRoserade Wrote: @nandawin i understand tell me when you're online asap

SUPER AWESOME!!! Thanks. I Really love it.

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