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Pokedex Completion- All the tradebacksies
Okay so I'm trying to finish my pokedex and it's really flibbin flabbin difficult without a partner who has moon because I'm a lonely butt. -breathes- 
Right now the only things left I need from the Moon side is...

x Lunala
x Pheromosa
x Celesteela

And when I check the GTS, they all want the same thing. Solgaleo or Tapu Koko. 
I adore my Solgaleo to bits so I refuse to trade Nebby away for good and well Tapu Koko...
I don't really want to part from him either. It seems like a booty to get him back. :c

However, I am willing to use Nebby for tradebacksies.

Meaning is there anyone that is willing to let me borrow their Lunala, Pheromosa and Celesteela for like... Two seconds? Just so I can trick the game into thinking I'm an avid competant collector who isn't only doing this for a Shiny charm? ;~; I'll be trading over Nebby(Solgaleo) as a buffer so you don't have to worry about me suddenly running off with your moonbat or anything.


Also by the way! If you need pokemon that evolves through trade I'll be happy to help there too! :D I'll send over Nebby so you're pokemon can evolve then we can do some tradebacksies.~
I'll trade over a pheromosa and lunala, I haven't caught the 3rd Pokemon you need though

Oh thank you!


Nono that's awesome enough! Thanks alot! :D
(Nov 27, 2016, 01:11 PM)Qui Wrote: @MessiahMiguel 

Oh thank you!


Nono that's awesome enough! Thanks alot! :D

Okay, I'll be waiting in the plaza, I already added you

You're awesome! Thank you again! If you need anything, I'll be happy to help you out! :D
No problem, and thanks for the offer
I have a second Celesteela, I coule let You keep it if You want And I'm not looking for any pokemons in particular in S/M, So, just trade any You want  Smile
Whoa really? I really feel like I should give you something that at least makes up a bit for the Celesteela. Are you sure? D:
I am, unless You Really want to give me something, it's your choice  :D I'll be waiting in the Plaza, my pokemon IGN is Shirako on S/M
Okay! I'll be there in a second! c:

I'm sorry but I don't see you aanywheree. D:

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