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[SUN/MOON] Planet Emporium - 5IV Pokemon for Trade - (Main Want: Shiny Pokemon)
Gen 7 ( Sun / Moon )
-Gen 7 legal
-Level 1
-Egg Moves
-5 IV
-All 100% legit bred by me

*More 5IV pokemon for Sun and Moon will be added weekly

Quantity of each pokemon is very limited so first come first served.
*Click the link to see what I have available for trade*

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Want List 
All Pokemon and/or items you trade to me must be legit, no genned, pkhex, cloned, powersaved, modified, or pokemon that was bred with illegal parents.
  • Wants 
    • Shiny Pokemon
    • 5IV Breedjects; make an offer
  • Special Wants (You can pick 2 pokemon if you trade me one of these) ( Does not need to have a set amount of perfect IVs )
    • Tapu Koko ( Modest / Timid )
    • Tapu Lele ( Modest / Timid / Calm )
    • Tapu Bulu ( Adamant )
    • Tapu Fini ( Modest / Bold / Calm / Timid )
    • Celesteela ( Modest / Careful / Adamant )
    • Xurkitree ( Modest / Timid )
    • Kartana ( Jolly / Adamant )
    • Pheromosa ( Adamant / Jolly )
    • Buzzwole ( Adamant )
    • Ash Greninja ( Timid / Modest / Naive / Hasty )
  • Item Wants (Only want legit items that were legally obtained in game)
    • Bottle Cap
    • Golden Bottle Cap (You can pick 2 pokemon if you trade me this)
    • Ability Capsule (You can pick 2 pokemon if you trade me this)
    • Leftover
    • Rare Candy
I have Riolu with HA and Eevee with HA that I can trade you. 

p.s. havn't decide on which I would want in a trade but let me see and I will repost.

im interested in your sturdy togedemaru with egg moves i have these to offer 

5iv Jolly Mimikyu(Destiny Bond,Curse)

5iv Adamant Wimpod(Wide Guard ,Spikes,Aqua Jet)

5iv Adamant Stamina Mudbray(Double edge,Magnitide,Close Combat)

5iv Adamant Slush Rush(HA) or snow cloak Alolan sandshrew

5iv Adamant Minior

5iv Adamant Dhelmise

5iv Timid Snow Warning or Snow cloak Alolan Vulpix (Freeze-dry,Moonblast,Encore)

5iv Adamant Lightning rod or rock head Cubone(Iron Head)

5iv Jolly Steadfast(HA) or Keen Eye RockruffSucker Punch,Fire Fang,Thunder Fang)

5iv Adamant Fluffy or klutz stuffl (Wide Guard, Ice Punch,Thunder Punch,Force palm)

5iv Adamant Galvanize(HA) Alolan Geodude (wide Guard,Rock Climb,Curse,Magnet Rise)

5iv Bold Regenerator(HA) ,Limber, or Merciless Mareanie (Haze,Stockpile,Swallow,Spit Up)

5iv Timid Trace or Download Porygon

5iv Adamant Water absorb(HA) or water bubble Dewpider(Aurora Beam,Stockpile,Spit Up)

5iv Adamant Gluttony or Poison Touch Alolan Grimer(Stockpile,Curse,Shadow Sneak,Swallow)

5iv Modest harvest(HA) or Chlorophyll ExeggcuteMoonlight )

5iv Adamant Overcoat(HA) Jangmo-o

Contrary(HA) Fomantis

Battle Armor(HA) Cubone
(Dec 15, 2016, 08:32 PM)FallenX Wrote: I have Riolu with HA and Eevee with HA that I can trade you. 

p.s. havn't decide on which I would want in a trade but let me see and I will repost.


If you are still interested in the Riolu and the Eevee both with their Hidden abilities. 
(Considering you are offering 2 for each)

-Geodude w/ Galvanize
-Comfey w/ Triage
-Bounsweet w/ Oblvious
-Komala w/ Comatose
I have an adamant Pheromosa and a modest Xurkitree, but their IVs are pretty crap. Phero has atk/sp.atk/def and Xurk has sp.atk/def/spe. Are you interested in either?
@FallenX  Trade Accepted
@R2LSD2 Interested in hidden ability exeggcute

sounds good i will go online now

Just finishing up this current hunt, about to break my chain and I will add your FC and we can do the trades.
@fluffychickens Interested in the Xuriktree. What do you want for it?

Thanks for the trade

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