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[SUN/MOON] Planet Emporium - 5IV Pokemon for Trade - (Main Want: Shiny Pokemon)
I'm interested in Sandyghast, Morelull HA, and Komala
@fluffychickens added your friend code. Will wait for you in festival plaza
@FallenX Message me when you are ready
I'm on now, sorry for delay
I forgot to mark their IVs before thetrade, so I don't know if that one is correct >.< trade me again if I got it wrong

Alright my chain is over, just added your FC and I'll be waiting in the plaza.
@FallenX Online
(Dec 15, 2016, 09:22 PM)Planet_Azumarill Wrote: @FallenX Online

Thanks for the Trade! Good luck with the breeding there.

Hello! Would you be interested in any of these mons?

4IV HA Relaxed Slowpoke
5IV Adamant Swinub (Stealth Rock, Freeze-Dry and Icicle Crash)
5IV HA Adamant Dratini
4IV Careful Rowlet (Defog and Baton Pass)
4IV Jolly Sandile (Pursuit)
@EAP Interested in the Careful Rowlet with defog and baton pass.
What do you want?

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