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[SUN/MOON] Planet Emporium - 5IV Pokemon for Trade - (Main Want: Shiny Pokemon)
I am interested in an adamant poison touch alolan grimer

I can offer a Modest Drampa with berserk 5 IV's missing HP with egg moves Hurricane, Dragon Rush, and Mist
or Adamant Alolan sandshrew with Slush Rush 5 IV's missing HP with Icicle crash
(Dec 20, 2016, 01:48 PM)Banestar Wrote: I am interested in an adamant poison touch alolan grimer

I can offer a Modest Drampa with berserk 5 IV's missing HP with egg moves Hurricane, Dragon Rush, and Mist
or Adamant Alolan sandshrew with Slush Rush 5 IV's missing HP with Icicle crash

@Banestar  Sorry I already have a bunch of 5IVs of those two pokemons. Any other offers?
Hey, i got a timid 5 IV Tapu Lele with HP Fire, i´m intrested in Aloan Grimer with its HA and Mareanie with its HA.
I also got adamant Bulu or Timid Koko, for a Modest Berserk Drampa and a Jolly Magikarp Smile
Tell me if you are intrested
(Dec 20, 2016, 03:57 PM)Taugenichts13 Wrote: Hey, i got a timid 5 IV Tapu Lele with HP Fire, i´m intrested in Aloan Grimer with its HA and Mareanie with its HA.
I also got adamant Bulu or Timid Koko, for a Modest Berserk Drampa and a Jolly Magikarp Smile
Tell me if you are intrested

@Taugenichts13 What is the legitimacy of those pokemon. I will take them if and only if they are 100% in game obtained and not cloned, pkhex, powersaved, genned, etc. in anyway
Oh sorry, they are cloned. Didnt read your starting post carefully enough, my fault sorry Smile
@Planet_Azumarill  Hi , Was just curious how close are you having Wingulls?
(Dec 20, 2016, 04:43 PM)DXStriker Wrote: @Planet_Azumarill  Hi , Was just curious how close are you having Wingulls?

@DXStriker Have a couple available, just have yet to update it on my list. What do you have for trade?
@Planet_Azumarill  Oh great . I actually wanted 2 others as well
Wingull / Hydration
Mudbray / Adamant
Dewpider / Water Bubble

I have a bottle cap i got during the game legit and I have some BP so i can buy 2 choice items
@Planet_Azumarill are you still looking for leftovers?
@DXStriker Alright, let me know when you can trade?
@fluffychickens Yes, still looking for one. What are you interested in?

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