IGN (In-Game Name): Carlo
Pokemon Deposited: Pikipek
Gender: Male
Level of Pokemon: 2
Message on GTS: ALOEVERAPUPPER (I would like to trade for one of your precious Pokemon you've given a name to.)
Alright since people are getting sniped too many times, I'll change the request. All I'll be asking for is a Ditto, Beldum, Bagon, Mareanie, Munchlax, Dhlemise, Feebas, Gible, Porygon, and Dratini to keep these Pokemon from being sniped.
GTS form
IGN (In-Game Name): Parth
Pokemon Deposited: Beldum
Level of Pokemon: 1
Message on GTS: I would like to trade for one of your precious Pokemon you've given a name to
IGN (In-Game Name): Carlo
Pokemon Deposited: Growlithe
Gender: Male
Level of Pokemon: 9
Message on GTS: ALOEVERAPUPPER (I would like to trade for one of your precious Pokemon you've given a name to.)
Dec 24, 2016, 12:44 AM (This post was last modified: Dec 24, 2016, 01:00 AM by Black117.)
Alright due to many people getting their requests sniped, I've changed the request from level 1-10 to 91-100 to make things easier. Deleted the request since most of the mons got sniped so anyone can repost for another.