Sorry,I just read you.I'm from Spain(I was sleeping )
That Komala,Shellder and Exeggcute look interesting!I'll left the fourth trade mon at your choice.
My FC is 4614-1073-4594 and my IGN is Jose.PM or reply whenever you want to do the trade!Got the 4 pokemon you requested ready :P
@Jonaway hey i'm interested in your HA carvanha, HA sandshrew, HA geodude, and HA poliwag. i can offer:
ha: cubone, abra, exeggcute, bagon
5 iv breedjects: scyther, popplio, wingul, jangmo, litten
and if none of these spark your interest, i can get any of the battle items you have listed in any quantity so lmk
(Dec 28, 2016, 06:12 AM)pokebrowne Wrote: @Jonaway hey i'm interested in your HA carvanha, HA sandshrew, HA geodude, and HA poliwag. i can offer:
ha: cubone, abra, exeggcute, bagon
5 iv breedjects: scyther, popplio, wingul, jangmo, litten
and if none of these spark your interest, i can get any of the battle items you have listed in any quantity so lmk
I have to breed a Sandshrew and Geodude,give me about 20 mins and I'll be ready for the trade
(Dec 28, 2016, 07:07 AM)pokebrowne Wrote: @Jonaway managed to get a sandshrew and poliwag elsewhere but still interested in the other 2. what would you like in return?
HA Cubone and a mon of your choice,don't mind which one.If I could get a Weakness Policy,it would be awesome,but it's ok if not :P
By the way,I'm ready if you dont need the sandshrew.Add my FC: 4614-1073-4594 and can trade right now.My IGN is Jose.