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[SUN/MOON] Planet Emporium - 5IV Pokemon for Trade - (Main Want: Shiny Pokemon)
@Planet_Azumarill yes they are both legit i had to soft reset for them many times if you want both i'll take:

Cubone adamant lightning rod
Drampa Modest Berserk
Oranguru Sassy Telepathy
Torkoal Quiet Drought
@SpartanVulture Sorry do not have Oranguru and Torkoal for trade, as they will be available in then near future. Please check for the availability of each pokemon at the bottom of each pokemon on the visual version. Please pick two other pokemon that are available.
(Dec 30, 2016, 07:22 PM)Planet_Azumarill Wrote: @Murkus Not interested in the (HA) cubone. IF the gold bottle cap was legitimately obtained in game then I will take it.

@Cubillax Online for a couple of hours

Dunno where bottla cap came from. I was traded it for HA mareanie and HA Geodude.
@Murkus Let me know your available times to trade
I'm on right now. Should I add your FC?
@Planet_Azumarill   I can trade you a rare candy for Psyduck(Swift Swim)
@DXStriker Okay, let me know when you can trade
@Planet_Azumarill Would you be up to trading a HA psyduck and a HA fomantas for a timid tapu lele holding a bottlecap? If so please send me a PM and we'll work out a time Smile
@Planet_Azumarill   I am getting on now
@DXStriker Will get online

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