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[ORAS] How to catch dem legendaries
I was reading about how to encounter all the legendaries in ORAS (still can't find that Cresselia) and the blogger was giving tips on how he catches legendaries. And his way seemed very basic, and was quite different to mine. I thought it would be interesting to share my way incase there are people out there accidentally killing their legendary encounters or are new to the games.

My technique is mainly based around decreasing the mon's accuracy so it can't hit you very often, then false swipe the b*****d, then paralysing them so their chance to hit drops another 50% or you can put them to sleep for the better catch rate, and finally throw the premiere balls (or what ever balls you are partial too) using tanks and walls in case that stray attack blasts through. Chances are you will eventually catch the blighter.

The team I use for this is:

Zapdos is good. As it can fly you places and has access to flash for the accuracy stat decrease and Thunder Wave for the paralysis. Plus with the right investment it can be pretty bulky. Though do not have Zapdos out for long as it's ability 'Pressure' will cause the legendary to lose PP at a quicker rate, and the last thing you want is the legendary 'Struggle'-ing

Mega-Venusaur is a good one too. Bulky. Thick Fat. Sleep Powder (if you're into that faff). and also flashes to get that accuracy down.

Scizor with a full investment in attack and has access to False Swipe to get that legendary to 1HP bosses it. but to be honest any heavy hitter with access to False Swipe will do

The rest of your party should be tanky back ups. Mons that can use status effects, or accuracy stat decreases.
Chansey (evolite)
but it honestly doesn't matter.

And that's that. This method has worked charms for me since the original Red and Blue games. I recommend 100% of the time saving before a legendary encounter as accidents happen. So when that accident happens you can safely 'Soft Reset' (L + R + START) and try again.
But nice guide! Your way is quite similar to mine

Btw to catch Cresselia you just have to have her island appear(it appears randomly like Mirage Cave, Mirage Mountain and so on)
For me some Para and false swipe is enough then it is only 1-5 ultra balls after. I feel like going with a full team for one pokemon is overkill but that is just me.
(Dec 22, 2014, 10:47 AM)IceyGamer Wrote: For me some Para and false swipe is enough then it is only 1-5 ultra balls after. I feel like going with a full team for one pokemon is overkill but that is just me.

Yeah I get what you're saying but I've found some of these legendaries can be gnarly Deoxys wasn't exactly easy. Some people like to use specific poke balls for their legendaries too, I myself am very partial to premiere balls (i know I'm not alone as well) which have a 1x catch rate. Without the accuracy decrease and a few back up mons I was finding my play-through party was being destroyed before I could throw more than 5 premier balls. I thought I would share my strategy for any new Pokemon players.
(Dec 22, 2014, 12:39 PM)geofurlong Wrote: Yeah I get what you're saying but I've found some of these legendaries can be gnarly Deoxys wasn't exactly easy. Some people like to use specific poke balls for their legendaries too, I myself am very partial to premiere balls (i know I'm not alone as well) which have a 1x catch rate. Without the accuracy decrease and a few back up mons I was finding my play-through party was being destroyed before I could throw more than 5 premier balls. I thought I would share my strategy for any new Pokemon players.

And that really why I say in my opinion instead of making a general statement that doesn't stand for everybody else rather just myself. My experience is just have a level 100 and just a full restore when needed and spam ultra balls. But I get and have noticed that people are really specific about the Ball the legends are caught in and I don't mind it. I understand its harder to catch with a Premier ball compared to Ultra ball.
I also save right before the Legendary since like I am not going to waste over 20 pokeballs(ultra/poke/great) on one loosey goosey legendary. I literally have a limit of 10 before I SR so it's extra challenging for me xD
i believe gardevoir has access to double team, flash, and thunder wave... but its not the best. a tanky minimize/double team will work... maybe muk?
it works, but it's slightly better to drop the legendary's stats rather than increase your own in this case since your double team/minimise mon could faint making it all for nothing :/
thats true, so baton pass ninjask?
it's a bit frail, if you really prefer increasing your evasiveness over decreasing the wild pokemon's accuracy then go with something with more bulk. The reason I go for flash over double team is that if my zapdos gets KOd then that's fine the wild pokemon still won't be able to hit me, but with increasing your evasiveness if your pokemon goes down then you're gonna keep taking hits giving you less chance to throw your pokeballs.
But the technique is arbitrary go with what you think gets results the best, I thought I would post this because I think it's the best way to continuously throw balls without the hassle of continuously resetting and trying again if your pokemon are fainting, for instence, you can spam A and throw the balls whilst watching a TV show or film. (IMO). :D

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