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My breeding shop
(Jan 16, 2017, 07:59 AM)CellyBean Wrote: @Frost do you mind if your finneon is a male? the best iv one that i've bred is a male finneon with all the egg moves you requested and its a 5iv.

also before i get started on your toxapex since im breeding it would you prefer a mareanie or a toxapex?

@CellyBean Sure whatever is fine Smile. and i'd prefer a toxapex
Money cannot buy happiness, but somehow, it's more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes Benz than a bicycle.

Previously Known as MistressGlaceon

uwu i can hacku
@CellyBean  Alright that's fine.
@FR3D Lucha after checking bulbapedia yes i can get you your bagon! it may take awhile as im working on frost's pokemon at the moment though
@CellyBean That's fine I can wait the while.
@Frost i've completed both mareanie and toxapex! they're female with 5ivs and all the egg moves you requested. working on driftloon now Smile

finished your drifloon it has all the moves you requested and has 5ivs. working on oricorio and beldum now Smile

i finished your beldum and oricorio! they are 5iv and oricorio knows all the moves you requested.

now before i start on drampa, stockpile isnt on the list of what i can teach it that i put on the first page. i can teach it mist and two new moves now that pokebank opened up which are play rough and razor wind
(Jan 29, 2017, 01:46 PM)CellyBean Wrote: @Frost

i finished your beldum and oricorio! they are 5iv and oricorio knows all the moves you requested.

now before i start on drampa, stockpile isnt on the list of what i can teach it that i put on the first page. i can teach it mist and two new moves now that pokebank opened up which are play rough and razor wind

@CellyBean Go ahead and teach em' razor wind Smile. Im not sure if i mentioned this before, but may if possible have all female? Thats the only way the HA will pass down. And thank you so much <3
Money cannot buy happiness, but somehow, it's more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes Benz than a bicycle.

Previously Known as MistressGlaceon

uwu i can hacku

all the pokemon i have so far for you are all female except for finneon if thats alright

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