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User: @Sylveon 
Form: (If this PKMN has a different form, which one do you want)
Pokemon Requested: Salazzle
Pokemon Deposited: Cutiefly
Level of deposited: 12
Gender of deposited: male
IGN: Agus
(Jan 21, 2017, 08:15 PM)Sylveon Wrote: @element_x49 Sent! And, yes, ask for level 91+. We were told to set our pokes' levels to 100.

@Hatonacat, tell people to add Level 91+ to their deposits. This lowers snipe chance.

If I ask for Salandit, will it also be lvl 100?
User: @Sylveon 
Form: Shiny
Pokemon Requested: Bewear
Pokemon Deposited: Cutiefly
Level of deposited: 11
Gender of deposited: Male 
IGN: Ares

Farewell my Friends! :D
 Just give yourself to love! Love love love love--NO!
User: @br3ndy
Form: Shiny
Pokemon requested: Type: Null
Pokemon Deposited: A-Diglett
Level: 21
Gender: Male
IGN: Brandon
@Agusontoro Yes, it will be. All non-fully evolved mons are exclusively for Little Cup format (only applicable to base stage) or eviolite sets if you so wish to run them like that. Also, sent!

@jetevander Sent!
User: @Sylveon 
Form: Shiny
Pokemon Requested: Stuffull
Pokemon Deposited: Cutiefly
Level of deposited: 1
Gender of deposited: Female 
IGN: Ares

@jetevander Whoops, didn't notice the form. Sent!
User: @Sylveon 
Pokemon Requested: Comfey
Pokemon Deposited: Cutiefly
Level of deposited: 9
Gender of deposited: Male
IGN: Agus
@element_x49 all my Pokemon are non shiny and male, I can't trade the toxapex sorry.

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