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[TOURNAMENT] First SuMo OU Showdown Tournament
Forum Name = Aquarium1
Challonge Account = Aquarium1
Showdown Name = Aquarium1
Discord Name = Blackguy61
Tournament Form: 

Forum Name = Deluxio
Challonge Account = thatdudegerry
Showdown Name = ogre it
Discord Name = thatdudegerry
meme it up boys

Forum Name = Elly
Challonge Account = _CROISSANT_
Showdown Name = BaguetteLegend
Discord Name = Elly
Forum Name = Siqueirapowered
Challonge Account = Siqueirapowered
Showdown Name = siqueirapowered
Discord Name = siqueirapowered
Question about team building. Do we only use a single pokemon once or can we have the same pokemon on multiple teams?
Also we can't swap pokemon throughout the teams can we during the tournament
@Deluxio You can use the same pokemon on other teams, and no once you submit your teams you cant swap pokemons from team to team during the tournament.
@Gvng Alright thanks for the head up :D
Forum Name: Colette (like is this really necessary)
Challonge name: Le colette
Showdown name: 1Anastasia1
Discord name: you already know it's les poisson

Previously known as Julia234
Forum Name: GingerxPug
Challonge Account: GingerxPug
Showdown Name: GingerxPug
Discord Name: "Ginger"xPug

Can't wait for this to happen and I hope this goes well :]]]]
I'm just here.

Forum Name = trafalgarlaw
Challonge Account = Shinny
Showdown Name = Shinny_1
Discord Name = Shinny
"When you think you're from the ghetto but your girl is into fishes."

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