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[LOOKING FOR] HA Bulbasaur and seismic toss Chansey
I have HA Bagon, Mareanie, Torchic, Abra, Eevee, Goomy, Fromantis, Gible or Froakie to offer
do you need HA chansey as well? got both either way
(Feb 17, 2017, 10:54 AM)wartty Wrote: do you need HA chansey as well? got both either way
I was planning on running Natural Cure on Chansey. I just dont have a way to get seismic toss
What do you want for them?
lol kay and i accept bottle caps if thatd work :p lol ill do 2 for 1 for a first time buyer ~
Sad I do not have any bottle caps at the moment. I should have one or 2 in about a week though.
@Ghost228 can i have Goomy HA? and i give u HA Bulbasaur
@eddytay1234 yes I have one ready for you
@Ghost228 sounds like that work for you 2 :p my seismic toss chansey is in xy think we could trade their?
@Ghost228 i am free now Smile
meet you at discord?

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