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[GIVEAWAY] Shinies for ALL! (Update)
OK, so there's going to be a bit of a change in this giveaway.

First, I will not be accepting any further requests, so please do not ask.

I will still give out the remaining shinies to those who have already submitted their request.

When you come to claim your requested shiny, please post your FC and IGN so I can find you more easily online.

That is all.

Requested Shinies:
@Selobgo - Roggenrola - SENT
@Chris7599 - Zorua - SENT
@jhey-zone-bee - Stufful - SENT
@DvlJane - Snorlax - SENT
@Lewin - Riolu - SENT
@teioh_link - Rowlet - SENT
@aaeeoo2 - Litten - SENT
@geetry - Noibat
@wartty - Alolan Grimer - SENT
@skulmuk - Marill - SENT
@RedPotato - Froakie - SENT
@thebeardsone - Wimpod - SENT
@Bird's Demise - Bouffalant - SENT
@peachmilkk - Marill - SENT
@jetevander - Rhyhorn - SENT
@Ghostlurk - Wooper - SENT
@Smartypants2121 - Pichu - SENT
@DylanVGC - Snorlax (For munchlax, you would end up with a random Nature)
@VascoDaVincii98 - Dieno - SENT
@patriciasiahu - Roggenrola - SENT
@just sombody - Magikarp NN: GD - SENT
@Ozmodayis - Stufful - SENT
@AniMangelo - Snorlax - SENT
@atonementblade - Magikarp - SENT
@IvanCuhh - Bruxish - SENT
@Ren - Rowlet - SENT
@yungkiss - Rowlet
@odoodo - Honedge - SENT
@TheBadShinyHunter - Litten - SENT
@SmeargleOfTime - Froakie - SENT
Prof. Z at your service!
TSV: 2377(S), 2577(M), 3639(M2)
Hey @Zhakien i don't know if you already bred the litten but i can trade anytime now

FC: 3840-6608-3186
IGN: jordy
Requested pokémon: Litten
Nature preferably Adamant

I got a gameboy and pokémon red for my 7th birthday been hooked to the franchise ever since.
i would love a magikarp if possible

friendcode: 3883-5988-0771
IGN: Lee Chun Soo
pokemon: magikarp
nature: adamant

i was like 3 or 4 years old when i started playing

also if possible could you give the magikarp the nickname: GD
FC: 4485-2985-5695
IGN: Chris
Pokemon: Zorua
Nature : Timid 
I played pokemon when I had 7 years old Smile
IGN: Ozmodayis
Pokemon: Stuffel-Adamant
I Started with red, when i was about 11
@aaeeoo2 @Chris7599
I have your shinies ready. Adding you now.
aaeeoo2 - Your Litten is Jolly since you didn't mention a nature earlier.
Chris7599 - Your Zorua is also Jolly. Timid is not worth it since the SAtk is it's lowest IV.

@just sombody - Magikarp
@Ozmodayis - Stufful
It'll take me a little while to get your shinies ready. I'll @ you when they're ready.
Prof. Z at your service!
TSV: 2377(S), 2577(M), 3639(M2)
@Zhakien ok thanks Wink
(Feb 28, 2017, 10:52 AM)Zhakien Wrote: @aaeeoo2 @Chris7599
I have your shinies ready. Adding you now.
aaeeoo2 - Your Litten is Jolly since you didn't mention a nature earlier.
Chris7599 - Your Zorua is also Jolly. Timid is not worth it since the SAtk is it's lowest IV.

@just sombody - Magikarp
@Ozmodayis - Stufful
It'll take me a little while to get your shinies ready. I'll @ you when they're ready.

no problem both natures are good. i'm ready to trade if you are?

and thank you so much allready :D
(Feb 28, 2017, 10:52 AM)Zhakien Wrote: @aaeeoo2 @Chris7599
I have your shinies ready. Adding you now.
aaeeoo2 - Your Litten is Jolly since you didn't mention a nature earlier.
Chris7599 - Your Zorua is also Jolly. Timid is not worth it since the SAtk is it's lowest IV.

@just sombody - Magikarp
@Ozmodayis - Stufful
It'll take me a little while to get your shinies ready. I'll @ you when they're ready.
Thank you! I Shall wait Patiently
BTW everyone. I'll be submitting the trade requests so please be patient.
Prof. Z at your service!
TSV: 2377(S), 2577(M), 3639(M2)

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