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[FOR TRADE] Legendary Pokemon
Ok, If you want, we could trade the porygon back and forth holding the items necessary for it to evolve.

Step 1. Trade porygon holding upgrade to you.
Step 2. Porygon evolves into porygon 2, trade back to me.
Step 3. Trade porygon 2 holding dubious disc to you.
Step 4. Porygon 2 evolves into Porygon Z.
Step 5. Enjoy your Porygon Z.


Also my electibuzz and porygon both have pokerus (not cured yet) Do you still want them?
That works for me! Can you trade now?
(Mar 12, 2017, 09:58 AM)Ontvx Wrote:
I have a lot of legendaries I'm trying to get rid of, I'm trading for any shiny pokemon or what I have listed below.

Here's what I have ~
Mewtwo - Level 100
Lugia - Level 100 *Shiny*
Ho-Oh - Level 50
Entei - Level 74
Kyogre - Level 45
Groundon - Level 57
Rayquaza - Level 71
Raqyaza - Level 100
Latios - Level 46
Latias - Level 31
Phione - Level 24
Deoxys - Level 80
Darkrai - Level 100 (x2)
Giritina - Level 100 *Shiny*
Mesperit - Level 50
Uxie - Level 50
Azelf - Level 50
Zekrom - Level 100
Zekrom - Level 50
Reshiram - Level 50
Cobalion - Level 50
Virizon - Level 50
Keldo - Level 100 (x2)
Victini - Level 100 (x2)
Hoopa - Level 50
Xurkitree - Level 65
Celesteela - Level 65
Pheromosa - Level 60 (x3)

Here's what I'm looking for ~ For the regular pokemon I'm trading two of them for one legendary
Porygon 2 and Z
Shiny Slurpuff  *Female only*

I have a shiny umbreon, for a hoopa or I can trade porgyon with up grade so you can have porgyon 2
I already have a shiny umbreon, and right no I'm mostly looking for the proygon 2, z, electivire, and a west sea gastrodon.
I have porygon z
The ratio is two regular pokemon for one legendary.

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