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[SUN/MOON] looking for legendary battle ready
@eddytay1234 anything would be fine, they're clones btw if you're ok with that
no problem Smile
if you can trade now i ok with it
(thx alot dude!)
@eddytay1234 I dont have my 3ds atm but I'll be able to trade in about 5 hours if that's OK with you? Sorry about the wait im not at home right now
no problem , i should thx you more though... i wanted to complete my legend and mystical at my moon and it is battle ready :D
@eddytay1234 just added your FC there. Sorry for taking so long, I can trade whenever suits Smile
I also have a shiny Diancie and a non-shiny Ho-oh with the regenerator ability that I can trade you!
@stephenWITNESS sure i can trade you right now Smile
Nice! I'm in festival plaza now. Send me a request when you get there
@stephenWITNESS thx alot!!! :D
up up up
still looking for them

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