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[GIVEAWAY] (OFFLINE) free Ditto5/6ivs+Battle ready shiny +(TSV Check))
@Drangor2 ahhh trying to catch you online but i'm always at work when you are lol  Sad Wink

hopefully I can still get Tangrowth and Pinsir before this closes... I got everything else.
Hi @Drangor2

Deposited: Grubbin (nicknamed Gon), Lv. 14, Male
Message: I want to trade a Pokemon that is strong in battles.

Pokemon Wanted: Milotic
Gender: Any

Thank you Smile

Hello, I'd like to have another Sylveon

IGN: Haru
Pokemon deposited: Lvl 1 male Eevee / Nickname: Gon
Pokemon wanted: Sylveon2
Gender: Any

Thanks in advance!

I got it! Thanks! My gf is happy with her Sylv c:
IGN: James
Deposited: Morelull "Gon", Male, Level 15
Request: Milotic
Message: I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles.
I deposited a lvl 20 wingull named gon for pinsir its male ign is hawkeye
@Drangor2 I'm online! I just deposited the rockruff.
IGN: Jessica
Deposited: lv22 Staryu nicknamed Go​​​​n
wanted: Ditto
Nature: modest
Ability: imposter
Message: Default

Thank you : D

Held item: Leftovers
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 144 Def / 112 SpD
Nature: Impish
Moveset:Earthquake-Stealth Rock-Slack Off-Whirlwind
Ivs:31/31/31/30/31/31 (Hidden power Electric can be used against water type)
Level: 100
Shiny: Yes
Gender: Male

Pokémon Deposited: Mimikyu / Gon
Level: 23
Gender: Male
IGN: Kial

Deposited: lv 13 Machop (M) nicknamed "Gon"

Request: Tangrowth

Message: I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles.

Thank you in advance!
IGN: Nem-Kan

Deposited: lvl 1 Eevee (M) "Gon"

Request: Scizor

Message: I want to fill my pokedex

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