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[SHOP OPEN] HA Outlet: The Premier Hidden Ability Shop! ~ New FC!! For Returning Customers ~
Sent again dont mash B XD
Well thank you then Smile rererequesting trade lol
Thanks very much will stop by again xD
Hey warttu im ready for trade
@Bruno7123 Lol I was online most of the day yesterday, guess you didnt see me, should be around later tonight
@thebeardsone were you still in need?
@Daniel360n Happy doing business and your always welcome back :D
@wartty What pokeball are these in?
@Vohras ... which ones..? all of them.??
@wartty A-Vulpix, A-Geodude, A-Diglett, Pickpieck, Mareanie, Togedemaru, Comfey, Yungoos, and Araquanid to start with. I might be interested in more later, but I'm really only interested in ones already in a basic pokeball.
@Vohras Lol well I keep most things in basic pokeballs, but I also have the alolan geodude and diglett in fast balls, Togedmaru can be in a heavy ball, mareanie and dewpider in a lure ball and a-vulpix in like 5 different balls. They are also all available in normal pokeballs though ~
@Vohras  were you still interest?

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