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[GIVEAWAY] Any pokemon you want/need (Legal)
@moo311 So glad to see you back :D lol I actually remember that happening to you last year
Hope you dont mind if I leave this here, just another weird set ive thought up lol 
Pokemon: Stunky
Level: 91
Shiny: Please ~
Ability: Aftermath
Nature: Timid
Pokeball: Dreamball?
Item: Fast Ball 
IVS: 6
EVS: 248Hp 128Atk 132Speed
- Feint
- Acid Spray
- Snarl
- Flame Burst
and could you make it so he can relearn the moves eggmoves Play Rough and Foul Play lol you must think im so retarded for the messed up requests xD but thanks a bunch moo glad to see you ~
Pokemon Deposited: Snubbull
Level of deposited: 1
Gender of Deposited: Female
Pokemon requested: Honedge
Message: Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in Advance
thank u!!
Pokemon Deposited: Gastly
Level of deposited: 8
Gender of Deposited: Female
Pokemon requested: Tapu Lele
@element_x49 Enjoy Smile
@curiot Enjoy Smile
@NotsoEpicM I don't see it Sad
@Cuddlybear221985 We have to link trade since your pokemon are events.
@DylanVGC Enjoy Smile
@Agusontoro Enjoy Smile
@Arderico Enjoy Smile

@Zorcario @geetry @ONESUNBEINGNOW @eisenaudi14 Since you guys didn't respond in time, your pokemon have been deleted. Feel free to request the same pokemon or different ones.
Hey! Nice to see this post open!

I would like these ones:

Pokemon: Lugia
Level: 100
Gender: None
Ability: Multiscale
Nature: Bold
Item: Leftovers
IVS: Full 31 IV
EVS: 252 HP / 160 SpD / 96 Spe
Pokeball: Dream Ball                /!\ Also has to come from 5G to be legal
Shiny: No
- Roost
- Toxic
- Whirlwind
- Ice Beam

Pokemon: Ho-oh
Level: 100
Gender: None
Ability: Regenerator
Nature: Adamant
Item: Life Orb
IVS: Full 31 IV
EVS: 248 HP / 208 AtK / 52 Spe
Pokeball: Dream Ball                /!\ Also has to come from 5G to be legal
Shiny: No
- Brave Bird
- Sacred Fire
- Recover
- Flame Charge

Thanks a lot!
Pokemon: Exeggutor (Alolan)
Level: 50
Gender: male
Nickname: no nickname
Ability: Harvest
Nature: Jolly
Item: none
IVS: 31 Speed and others random
EVS: 252 Speed, 252 HP and the rest Attack
Pokeball: Ultra
Shiny: N
- Skill Swap
- Bestow
- Hypnosis
- Dragon Hammer

Please send me a message whenever I'm on the Done list so I can put something on the GTS.
Thank you in advance.
Pokémon - Whishcash
Gender - Female
Ball - Net Ball
nature - Adamant
IVs - 31 all 
Ability - hydration
item - PP MAX
Moves - Dragon Dance , Earth Power, any other two
Deposited - Abra 5 F had a foreign nn
IGN - afset
message - I want to fill my pokedex
@afsetxafset Enjoy Smile

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