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[CLOSED] Pokemon Forever Discord Channel Advertising Pte Ltd
This giveaway is re-opened! :D
What is a signature and how do I get one?
Pokemon deposited: level 54 female emolga
Pokemon wanted: Ho-oh
Message :this is a pokemon with great potential. Please raise it if you would like.
Ign: Tyzascp35

I have deposited a lvl 1 female Emolga
IGN: Broco
Requested: Ho-oh

I also would like the mega stones (three of them) since I got the BR starters from another giveaway here earlier, unfortunately there are a lot of "FireTaco" in the discord channel (I'm guessing to troll us) and none of them have your profile picture. However one is ranked "Pokemon Elite Four Member" (Sprout8174). Is that you?

hey mlgkingdra here my ign is actually tyzascp thx bye
Pokemon Deposited: Lvl 1 Female Emolga
Pokemon Wanted: Ho-Oh
IGN: Cheese
Message: I want to fill my pokedex
@mlgkingdra230 , cannot find it in the GTS. Sad
I only see Ty. Sad

@Theobroco , sent! Smile
Sprout is someone else. Sad
I am one of the FireTacos. Smile
I won't be active in the Discord for the next 20+hours because of IRL stuff. Sad
Tomorrow at about 8-10pm GMT+8, looks for me there. Smile
Look for a FireTaco with the same profile picture. Smile
And no, the FireTaco is not to troll you guys, it is to troll FireTaco. :p

Aqua, the..... , sent! Smile
What is a signature and how do I get one?
IGN: suno
Deposited: Female Emolga lv1
Wanted: Ho-oh
message:I want to fill my pokedex.
thank you.
Pokemon Deposited: Lvl 1 Female Emolga
Pokemon Wanted: Dialga
IGN: Cheese
Message: I want to fill my pokedex
Pokemon Deposited: Lvl 1 Female Emolga
Pokemon Wanted: Dialga

Thanks Smile
Hi again! Well I will keep looking for you then

But for now:
Deposited: Emolga lvl 1 Male
IGN: Broco
Requested: Lugia


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