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[CLOSED] Active Ditto Giveaway (Closed)
@Enrique154 - sent

Enjoy Smile
Hi, Super Nintendo Chalmers!
Deposited: Shellos
Level: 1
Gender: Female
Nickname: 6

Nature: Adamant-Jolly-Timid Don't mind which  Smile

Thank you 
(May 7, 2017, 11:41 AM)Jirachi Wrote: So when you guys request ill be trading through the GTS if you want 5 Iv dittos nickname the pokémon "5" or if you want 6 iv put "6" as the nickname.

The Pokémon you have to put up for trade is a Shellos. The Dittos nickname will be pkmnforever ALL Dittos have Destiny Knots

The ditto ill be trading will be shiny with imposter 5 or 6 ivs whatever you guys want.
Brave nature for 5 iv and 6 iv can be Adament-Jolly-Brave-Timid only

                                        Fill the form
                               Nature (5 ivs = Brave) (6 ivs = Adament-Jolly-Brave-Timid only)
                               IGN :
                               Nickname:When nicknameing for a 6 IV ditto please Put the nature you want after the 6 thanks

NEXT GIVEAWAY: BATTLE READY TAPUs for Singles and Doubles 

If you don't put a Shellos on GTS i won't trade also request Ditto lvl 91-100

You can request move than once just wait about 24 hours between each post
 totally didn't take this from @stephenWITNESS Giveaway thread lol

We Have a Help Shout Out to @stephenWITNESS To Helping out

IGN: Martin
Deposited: Shellos
Gender: Female
Nicknam​​​​​​e: 6
Please if you have anymore left over. I'd like a foreign 6IV ditto. Brownie points if it was caught in a pokeball. If it's not too much to ask for.
was sniped. Replaced : edited
@Iamknownasmartin - sent
@Didactic - sent

Enjoy Smile
Hi, Super Nintendo Chalmers!
(Jul 2, 2017, 05:44 AM)stephenWITNESS Wrote: @Iamknownasmartin - sent
@Didactic - sent

Enjoy Smile
THANK YOU! Smile!!
Nature: Modest
Ivs: 6
pokemon deposited: shellos 
nickname: 6 Adamant 
Message: Please trade Pokémon with me thanks in
Deposited Pokemon: Female Shellos Lvl 1
Deposited nickname: 6 Any
Desired nature: Any will do, I'm not picky
Please and thank you  Big Grin
@Drevon10 - sent
@BlackPhoenixDiamond - sent

Enjoy Smile
Hi, Super Nintendo Chalmers!
Hey everyone posting in this thread, just to say that since user @Jirachi hasn't been caring about this giveaway for unknown reasons, moderator @stephenWITNESS will be taking over the thread (and all rep should be given to him Wink ) unless the original poster comes back. Have a nice day everyone!
Deposited Pokemon: Male Shellos Lvl 1 (Blue)
Deposited nickname: 6 Any
Deposit Status: This is a Pokemon that just hatched. Please raise it carefully.
Desired nature: Any nature

Thank you in advance!!  Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

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