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[GIVEAWAY] Any (legal) pokemon you want [S/M]

Good Nigth_dawn, 
Ill redeposit as soon you tell me too
@moo311 lol damn your giveaways got more views then my shop again xP hope I got these right they are half copied from showdown with some tweaks

Tentacool @ Black Sludge  
Ability: Liquid Ooze  
Shiny: Yes  
Pokeball: Lureball
Gender:Female Lv: 91
EVs: 252 SpA /200SpD / 56Spe  
Modest Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Muddy Water
- Sludge Wave  
- Blizzard  
- Protect
and then if she could relearn the moves Rapid Spin, Haze, and Aqua Ring? Please and thank you ~
Shuppet @ Masterball?
Ability: Frisk  
Shiny: Yes  
Pokeball: Duskball
Gender: Male Lv: 91
EVs: 244 HP / 252 Atk / 12 SpD  
Adamant Nature  
- Pursuit
- Psych Up
- Pain Split  
- Shadow Sneak
and if he could relearn Destiny Bond Disable and Gunk Shot ~ Thank you ~

Lucario-Mega @ Some kinda rare berry idk? Lol too many of these xD
Ability: Steadfast  
Shiny: Yes  
Pokeball: Beastball
Gender: Male Lv: 100
EVs: 76 HP / 252 SpA / 180 Spe  
Timid Nature  
IVs: 0Attack 30Speed
- Protect  
- Hidden Power [Ice]  
- Vacuum Wave  
- Flash Cannon
and if he could relearn agility and bullet punch

I almost feel guilty asking for so much.....

Granbull @ Iapapa Berry  
Ability: Intimidate  
Shiny: Yes  
Pokeball: Loveball? If not luxury ball ~
Gender: Female Lv: 91
EVs: 244 HP / 68 Atk / 196 SpD  
Careful Nature  
- Ice Punch  
- Fire Punch  
- Play Rough  
- Rock Slide
then if she could relearn heal bell close combat and crunch <3

I'm sure I did something wrong so I'll be talking to you in a bit xP billions and billions of thank you in a gigantic envelope addressed to you <3
Pokemon:  Caterpie
Shiny:  No
Gender:  Female
Nickname:  -
Level:  1
Nature:  Timid
Item:  Fast Ball
Ability: Run Away
Pokerus:  No
Pokeball:  Sport Ball
IVS:  All 31
EVS:  4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
OT (Optional):  Schuenemann (ID: 023453)
  1. Tackle
  2. String Shot

Pokemon:  Weedle
Shiny:  No
Gender:  Female
Nickname:  -
Level:  1
Nature:  Jolly
Item:  Heavy Ball
Ability:  Run Away
Pokerus:  No
Pokeball:  Level Ball
IVS:  All 31
EVS:  252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
OT (Optional):  Schuenemann (ID: 023453)
  1. Poison Sting
  2. String Shot

Pokemon:  Pidgey
Shiny:  No
Gender:  Female
Nickname:  -
Level:  1
Nature:  Timid
Item:  Friend Ball
Ability:  Big Pecks
Pokerus:  No
Pokeball:  Dream Ball
IVS:  All 31
EVS:  252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
OT (Optional):  Schuenemann (ID: 023453)
  1. Roost
  2. U-turn
  3. Air Slash
  4. Uproar

Pokemon:  Pidgey
Shiny:  No
Gender:  Female
Nickname:  -
Level:  1
Nature:  Timid
Item:  Level Ball
Ability:  Big Pecks
Pokerus:  No
Pokeball:  Safari Ball
IVS :  All 31
EVS:  252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
OT (Optional):  Schuenemann (ID: 023453)
  1. Roost
  2. U-turn
  3. Air Slash
  4. Uproar
Pokemon: Mew
Shiny: No
Gender: NA
Nickname: Kaugummi
Level: 30
Nature: Timid
Item: Leftover
Ability: Synchronize
Pokerus: No
Region of Pokemon (Optional): North America
Poke ball: PokeBall
IVS: 31/14/14/31/15/31
EVS: 252HP / 144Def / 112 Spe
Moves: Barrier / Soft Boil / Stealth Rock
Relearn Moves/Eggmoves (Optional): NA
OT (Optional): Idyll
1.stealth rock
2.stone edge
3.draco meteor
4.iron head
Ability rough skin
Nature jolly
252 atk 4spd 252spe
item choice scarf
Tapu koko
1.wild charge
2.u turn
4.hp ice
Nature naive
Ability electric surge
252 atk 4 spa 252 spe
1.fake out
3.high jump kick puncb
ability limber
Nature jolly
252 atk 4spd 252 spe
item lopunnite
ign: Z
deposited: exeggcute
requested: trevenant
shiny: yes
ability: harvest
nature: careful
lvl: 100
moves: hornleech ..woodhammer.. imprison.. bestow 
ev: 93 HP 163 AtK 252 SP.def 
iv: 6iv

ot: Z

thaankkk youu :D
@markyice94 if you search the thread itself you're likely to find a build that has been deemed legal and you could copy that build. Towards the bottom of the posts there's a Search Thread tool that might help with that.

Also heads up that moo311 is on a hiatus until next week.
@Odizie thank you so much! will dig into it now and edit my post after.

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