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[SUN/MOON] [SHOP] Ultra Trading Shack (Shiny, Events & Giveaways)
♥♥ Introduction ♥♥
Hi all, I come from another Pokemon forum and decided to open another Trading Shop in a new forum. PokemonForever looks pretty awesome so I decided to come here. Hope everybody finds something they like in my 'lil shop. Thanks!
Not sure if I can mention the names of other Forum sites but a quick google search will reveal my other trade shop with complete archive of past trades and reviews.

♥♥ Giveaways ♥♥
I am currently in the process of organising Shiny Pokemon giveaways. Stay tuned to find out how to obtain free, legit Shiny Pokemon!
♥♥ Rules and Helpful Info ♥♥
1. General PokemonForever Rules
2. I clone my Pokemon for collecting
3. My Timezone is AEST or UTC+10
4. Please inform me if a Pokemon I traded is hacked and I will refund you and remove it
5. Similarly, I expect to be refunded if I receive a hacked Pokemon from you
♥♥ Additional Info  ♥♥
Gen 7 OT: Maria
Gen 7 ID: 566940
Previous Gen OT: Hamako
Previous Gen ID: 22865 and 26633

I organised most of my collection into the following documents, please view these for a more organised trading experience:
Shop Links

Shiny Pokemon
Gen VII Events
Gen VI Events
Gen III, IV, V Events

NOTE: IVs are in this order (HP/ATK/DEF/SPA/SPD/SPE)
Gen 7 Shiny

No Country-Tag means it's ENG
[Image: rowlet.gif]
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Rowlet (M | Lv. 1 | Quirky) (31/31/31/31/31/31)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Rowlet (M | Lv. 1 | Bashful | JPN)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Rowlet (M | Lv. 1 | Calm | SPA) (Egg Moves: Baton Pass, Haze, Defog, Confuse Ray)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Rowlet (M | Lv. 1 | Adamant | GER)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Dartrix (M | Lv. 23 | Quiet | JPN)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Decidueye (M | Lv. 100 | Relaxed)
[Image: litten.gif]
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Litten (M | Lv. 1 | Adamant) (31/31/31/31/31/X)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Litten (M | Lv. 1 | Relaxed | JPN) (Egg Moves: Fake Out, Revenge, Heat Wave, Crunch)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Litten (M | Lv. 1 | Careful | SPA) (31/X/31/31/31/31)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Litten (M | Lv. 1 | Adamant | GER)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Torracat (F | Lv. 50 | Adamant) (31/31/31/31/31/31)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Incineroar (F | Lv. 100 | Brave)

[Image: popplio.gif]
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Popplio (M | Lv. 1 | Modest) (31/31/31/31/31/31)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Popplio (M | Lv. 1 | Bashful | JPN)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Popplio (M | Lv. 1 | Rash | SPA)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Popplio (M | Lv. 1 | Mild | GER) (31/31/31/31/31/31)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Brionne (F | Lv. 32 | Modest)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Primarina ( F | Lv. 100 | Modest | CHS) (31/X/31/31/31/31)

[Image: stufful.gif]
[Image: Bag_Beast_Ball_Sprite.png]Stufful (F| Lv. 1 | Jolly) (31/31/X/31/31/31)
Gen 6 Shiny

No Country-Tag means it's ENG
[Image: chespin.gif]
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Chespin (M | Lv. 1 | Docile |HA: Bulletproof | JPN) (30/31/31/31/31/X)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Quilladin(M | Lv. 25 | Timid)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Chesnaught (M | Lv. 100 | Impish |HA: Bulletproof | JPN) (31/31/31/30/31/31)
[Image: fennekin.gif]
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Fennekin (M | Lv. 1 | Modest)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Braixen (M | Lv. 22 | Naive)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Braixen (F| Lv. 100 | Lax)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Delphox (M | Lv. 100 | Lax)

[Image: froakie.gif]
[Image: Bag_Dive_Ball_Sprite.png]Froakie (M | Lv. 1 | Adamant | HA: Protean)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Frogadier (M | Lv. 30 | Hasty | JPN)
[Image: Bag_Dive_Ball_Sprite.png]Greninja (M | Lv. 70 | Timid | HA: Protean| JPN) (31/30/31/31/31/31)

[Image: bunnelby.gif]
[Image: Bag_Quick_Ball_Sprite.png]Bunnelby (M | Lv. 1 | Modest)
[Image: Bag_Luxury_Ball_Sprite.png]Diggersby (M | Lv. 100 | Jolly | HA: Huge Power) (31/31/31/31/31/31)

[Image: fletchling.gif]
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Fletchling (M | Lv. 40 | Quiet)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Talonflame (M | Lv. 40 | Impish | HA: Gale Wings) (31/31/31/PG/31/PG)

[Image: scatterbug.gif]
[Image: Bag_Premier_Ball_Sprite.png]Scatterbug (M | Lv. 1 | Careful)
[Image: Bag_Premier_Ball_Sprite.png]Spewpa (M | Lv.  | )

[Image: vivillon.gif]
[Image: Bag_Premier_Ball_Sprite.png]River Pattern (F | Lv. 13 | Bold)
[Image: Bag_Premier_Ball_Sprite.png]Continental Pattern (F | Lv. 91 | Timid | KOR)
[Image: Bag_Dive_Ball_Sprite.png]Elegant Pattern (F | Lv. 16 | Docile | JPN)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Marine Pattern (F | Lv. 35 | Bashful | SPA)

[Image: litleo.gif]
[Image: Bag_Premier_Ball_Sprite.png]Litleo (F | Lv. 1 | Quirky)
[Image: Bag_Premier_Ball_Sprite.png]Pyroar (F | Lv. 91 | Mild | JPN)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Pyroar (M | Lv. 100 | Quirky | SPA) (31/31/31/31/31/31)

[Image: flabebe.gif]
[Image: Bag_Ultra_Ball_Sprite.png]Flabébé (F | Lv. 1 | Serious | HA: Symbiosis)
[Image: Bag_Ultra_Ball_Sprite.png]Floette (F | Lv. 20 | Gentle)
[Image: Bag_Ultra_Ball_Sprite.png]Florges (F| Lv. 100 | Timid | HA: Symbiosis) (31/31/31/31/31/31)

[Image: skiddo.gif]
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Skiddo (M | Lv. 1 | Careful)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Gogoat (M | Lv. 100 | Serious | SPA)

[Image: pancham.gif]
[Image: Bag_Luxury_Ball_Sprite.png]Pancham (M | Lv. 1 | Adamant | HA: Scrappy | GER) (31/31/31/31/31/31)
(Egg Moves: Storm Throw, Foul Play, Power Trip, Me First)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Pangoro (M | Lv. 91 | Lax | FRE)

[Image: furfrou.gif]
[Image: Bag_Luxury_Ball_Sprite.png]Furfrou (F | Lv. 50 | Impish) (31/31/31/31/31/31)

[Image: espurr.gif]
[Image: Bag_Quick_Ball_Sprite.png]Espurr (F | Lv. 1 | Bashful | HA: Own Tempo | UT)
[Image: Bag_Quick_Ball_Sprite.png]Meowstic (F | Lv. 26 | Docile)

[Image: honedge.gif]
[Image: Bag_Heavy_Ball_Sprite.png]Honedge (M | Lv. 1 | Brave) (31/31/31/31/31/PG)
[Image: Bag_Premier_Ball_Sprite.png]Doublade (F | Lv. 35 | Timid)
[Image: Bag_Premier_Ball_Sprite.png]Aegislash (M | Lv. 100 | Sassy) (31/31/31/31/31/X)

[Image: spritzee.gif]
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Spritzee (M | Lv. 1 | Quiet | HA: Aroma Veil)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Aromatisse (F | Lv. 100 | Bold | HA: Aroma Veil) (31/31/31/31/31/31)

[Image: swirlix.gif]
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Swirlix (F | Lv. 1 | Quirky | CHT)

[Image: inkay.gif]
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Inkay (F | Lv. 1 | Sassy)
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Malamar (F | Lv. 100 | Impish)

[Image: binacle.gif]
[Image: Bag_Dusk_Ball_Sprite.png]Binacle (F | Lv. 1 | Jolly)
[Image: Bag_Great_Ball_Sprite.png]Barbaracle (M | Lv. 100 | Jolly | SPA) (31/31/31/31/31/31)
Gen 1 Shiny

These are out-dated, please check my spreadsheet if you want an up-to-date list of Kanto Shiny
[Image: bulbasaur.gif]
Bulbasaur (M | Lv. 1 | Careful | UT | FRE)
Bulbasaur (M | Lv. 1 | Modest | UT)
Bulbasaur (M | Lv. 1 | Calm | UT)
Ivysaur (M | Lv. 16 | Quirky)
Venusaur (M | Lv. 100 | Sassy)
[Image: charmander.gif]
Charmander (M | Lv. 1 | Lax | UT | FRE)
Charmander (M | Lv. 1  | Naughty | UT)
Charmander (M | Lv. 1 | Serious | UT)
Charmeleon (M | Lv. 16 | Lax |FRE)
Charizard (M | Lv. 100 | Adamant)

[Image: squirtle.gif]
Squirtle (M | Lv. 1 | Docile | UT)
Squirtle (M | Lv. 1 | Rash | UT)
Wartortle (M | Lv 16 | Hardy)
Blastoise (M | Lv. 100 | Mild | GER)

[Image: caterpie.gif]
Caterpie (M | Lv. 1 | Careful | UT)
Metapod (M | Lv. 48 | Mild)
Butterfree (F | Lv. 10 | Docile | UT)
[Image: weedle.gif]
Weedle (M | Lv. 1| Relaxed | UT)
Kakuna (M | Lv. 10 | Bold)
Beedrill (M | Lv. 19 | Relaxed)
[Image: pidgeot.gif]
Pidgeot (F | Lv. 100 | Naughty)

[Image: rattata.gif]
Rattata (M | Lv. 1 | Mild | UT)
Raticate (F| Lv. 100 | Naughty)
[Image: fearow.gif]
Fearow (M | Lv. 50| Brave)

[Image: ekans.gif]
Ekans (M | Lv. 1| Calm | UT)

[Image: pikachu.gif]
Pikachu (M | Lv. 20 | Mild)

[Image: sandshrew.gif]
Sandrew (M | Lv. 1 |Timid | UT)
Sandslash (F | Lv. 22 | Brave)

[Image: 029.gif]
[Image: Bag_Pok%C3%A9_Ball_Sprite.png]Nidoran ♀️ (F | Lv. 1 | Docile | UT)
[Image: Bag_Dream_Ball_Sprite.png]Nidoqueen (F | Lv. 16 | Lax | ITA)

[Image: 032.gif]
Nidoran ♂️ (M | Lv. 1 | Quirky | UT | FRE)
Nidorino (M | Lv. 33 | Timid)
Nidoking (M | Lv. 100 | Bashful)

[Image: clefairy.gif]
Clefairy (M| Lv. 2|Brave)

[Image: vulpix.gif]
Vulpix (F| Lv. 1|Lonely| UT|JPN)
Ninetales (F| Lv. 100|Impish)

[Image: jigglypuff.gif]
Jigglypuff (M| Lv. 48|Docile)
[Image: zubat.gif]
Zubat (F| Lv.5|Relaxed|JPN)
Golbat (M| Lv. 50|Gentle)

[Image: oddish.gif]
Oddish (F| Lv. 1|Mild| UT)

[Image: paras.gif]
Paras (F| Lv.23|Hardy)
Parasect (F| Lv. 56|Mild)
[Image: venonat.gif]
Venonat (F| Lv. 16|Mild)

[Image: diglett.gif]
Diglett (F| Lv. 26|Bashful)
Dugtrio (F| Lv. 56|Hardy)

[Image: meowth.gif]
Meowth (F| Lv. 1|Naughty| UT|FRE)
Persian (F| Lv. 28|Brave|SPA)

[Image: psyduck.gif]
Psyduck (F| Lv. 6|Impish)
Golduck (F| Lv. 100|Adamant)
All UT unless specified

Generation VI
Japanese Region - Serial Codes

CoroCoro Garchomp
[Image: garchomp.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Garchomp
Lv. 48 | Docile | Classic Ribbon 
OT: コロコロ | ID: 11153

CoroCoro Charizard
[Image: charizard.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Charizard (Charizardite Y)
Lv. 36 | Quiet | Classic Ribbon 
OT: コロコロ | ID: 03154

Wonderland Darkrai
[Image: darkrai.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Darkrai
Lv. 50 | Naughty | Wishing Ribbon 
OT: ふしぎのくに | ID: 04194

XY Charizard
[Image: charizard.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Charizard
Lv. 36 | Adamant | Classic Ribbon 
OT: XY | ID: 07274

XY Gengar

[Image: gengar.gif]
[Image: Bag_Dusk_Ball_Sprite.png] Gengar
Lv. 25 | Lonely | Classic Ribbon 
OT: XY | ID: 10244

Pokemon Scrap
[Image: shaymin.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Shaymin
Lv. 15 | Impish | Classic Ribbon 
OT: Pスクラップ | ID: 12014
[Image: keldeo.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Keldeo
Lv. 15 | Bashful | Classic Ribbon 
OT: Pスクラップ | ID: 12014
[Image: victini.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Shaymin
Lv. 15 | Relaxed | Classic Ribbon 
OT: Pスクラップ | ID: 12014

Pokemon Center Jirachi (2014/2015)
[Image: jirachi.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Shiny Jirachi
Lv. 15 | Bashful | Classic Ribbon 
OT: ポケセン | ID: 12014

Super Smash Bros. Greninja (2014/2015)
[Image: greninja.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Greninja
Lv. 36 | Lonely | Classic Ribbon 
OT: スマブラ | ID: 09134

Hidden Ability Present Pokemon
[Image: serperior.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Serperior
Lv. 50 | Quiet | Classic Ribbon 
OT: プレゼント | ID: 01095
[Image: emboar.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Emboar
Lv. 50 | Careful | Classic Ribbon 
OT: プレゼント | ID: 01165
[Image: samurott.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Samurott
Lv. 50 | Bold | Classic Ribbon 
OT: プレゼント | ID: 01165

PGL Tyrunt (2015)
[Image: tyrunt.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Tyrunt
Lv. 10 | Serious | Classic Ribbon 
OT: PGL | ID: 01235

Serena's Fennekin (2015)
[Image: fennekin.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Fennekin
Lv. 15 | Hardy | Classic Ribbon 
OT: セレナ | ID: 02265

Dahara City Arceus (2015)
[Image: arceus.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Shiny Arceus
Lv. 100 | Brave | Wishing Ribbon 
OT: デセルシティ | ID: 03075
[Image: arceus.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Arceus
Lv. 100 | Naive, Bashful, Quirky, Relaxed

CoroCoro Rayquaza
[Image: rayquaza.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Shiny Rayquaza
Lv. 70 | Lax | Event Ribbon 
OT: コロコロ | ID: 03145

PGL Amaura (2015)
[Image: amaura.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Amaura
Lv. 10 | Careful | Classic Ribbon 
OT: PGL | ID: 03205

Spring 2015 Kangaskhan
[Image: kangaskhan.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Lv. 50 | Docile | Classic Ribbon 
OT:  2015 Spring | ID: 04035

Singapore Summer 2015 Rayquaza
[Image: rayquaza.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Lv. 70 | Jolly | Event Ribbon 
OT: SG Summer'15 | ID: 03145

Pokémon Lab Kanto starter Pokémon
[Image: bulbasaur.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Bulbasaur
Lv. 5 | Gentle | Event Ribbon 
OT: ポケモンラボ | ID: 07085
[Image: charmander.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Charmander
Lv. 5 | Hasty | Event Ribbon 
OT: ポケモンラボ | ID: 07085
[Image: squirtle.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Squirtle
Lv. 5 | Impish | Event Ribbon 
OT: ポケモンラボ | ID: 07085

Serena's Pancham
[Image: pancham.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Lv. 30 | Adamant | Wishing Ribbon 
OT: セレナ | ID: 00711

Ash's Pikachu (2015)
[Image: pikachu.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Lv. 50 | Naughty | Wishing Ribbon 
OT: サトシ | ID: 00711

7-Eleven Lugia and Latios
[Image: lugia.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Lv. 50 | Timid | Wishing Ribbon 
OT: 7 SPOT | ID: 00711
[Image: latios.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Lv. 50 | Modest | Wishing Ribbon 
OT: 7 SPOT | ID: 00711

Satay King Pikachu
[Image: pikachu.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Lv. 10 | Modest | Special Ribbon 
OT: Satay King | ID: 08095

Manesh Hoopa
[Image: hoopa.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Lv. 50 | Hasty | Classic Ribbon 
OT: Manesh | ID: 08195

PGL Pikachu
[Image: pikachu.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Lv. 10 | Careful | Classic Ribbon 
OT: PGL | ID: 08215

Nintendo Hong Kong Rayquaza
[Image: rayquaza.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Lv. 70 | Quirky | Event Ribbon 
OT: Nintendo HK | ID: 09115

Universe Diancie
[Image: diancie.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Lv. 50 | Adamant | Classic Ribbon 
OT: Universe | ID: 10045

XY&Z Pokemon
[Image: zygarde.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Zygarde
Lv. 100 | Hardy | Classic Ribbon 
OT: XY&Z | ID: 11125
[Image: yveltal.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Shiny Yveltal
Lv. 100 | Adamant | Classic Ribbon 
OT: XY&Z | ID: 11055
[Image: xerneas.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Shiny Xerneas
Lv. 100 | Adamant | Classic Ribbon 
OT: XY&Z | ID: 10295

Mighty Hoopa
[Image: hoopa.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Lv. 50 | Calm | Wishing Ribbon 
OT: Mighty | ID: 07185

Pokemon EXPO Gym Pokemon
[Image: charizard.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Charizard 
Lv. 36 | Serious | Souvenir Ribbon 
OT: マオ | ID: 11195
[Image: machamp.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Machamp
Lv. 39 | Hardy | Souvenir RibbonOT: Dr.シャイ | ID: 11195
[Image: smeargle.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Smeargle
Lv. 50 | Jolly | Souvenir Ribbon
OT: ADサカイ | ID: 11195
[Image: zoroark.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Zoroark
Lv. 45 | Naughty | Souvenir Ribbon
OT: サダ | ID: 11195

Nintendo Hong Kong Jirachi
[Image: jirachi.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Shiny Jirachi
Lv. 25 | Careful | Classic Ribbon 
OT: Nintendo HK | ID: 12015

Manesh Arceus
[Image: arceus.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Lv. 100 | Hasty | Classic Ribbon 
OT: Manesh | ID: 12215

Pokemon Lab Johto Starters
[Image: chikorita.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png] Chikorita
Lv. 5 | Jolly | Event Ribbon 
OT: ポケモンラボ | ID: 12235
[Image: cyndaquil.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png] Cyndaquil
Lv. 5 | Relaxed | Event Ribbon 
OT: ポケモンラボ | ID: 12235
[Image: totodile.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png] Totodile
Lv. 5 | Naive | Event Ribbon 
OT: ポケモンラボ | ID: 12235

PGL Delibird
[Image: delibird.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png] Lv. 10 | Quiet | Special Ribbon 
OT: PGL | ID: 12255

Jade Infernape
[Image: infernape.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png] Lv. 88 | Jolly | Classic Ribbon 
OT: Jade | ID: 01286

Pokemon Center Online Pikachu
[Image: pikachu.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png] Lv. 10 | Quiet (F) / Adamant (M) | Souvenir Ribbon 
OT: オンライン | ID: 02056

Game Freak Mew
[Image: mew.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png] Lv. 5 | Mild | Premier Ribbon 
OT: ゲーフリ​​​ | ID: 22796

Pokemon Scrap 2016 Pokemon
[Image: venusaur.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png] Venusaur
Lv. 100 | Timid | Classic Ribbon
OT: Pスクラップ | ID: 04286
[Image: charizard.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png] Charizard
Lv. 100 | Naive | Classic Ribbon
OT: Pスクラップ | ID: 04286
[Image: blastoise.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png] Blastoise
Lv. 100 | Rash | Classic Ribbon
OT: Pスクラップ | ID: 04286
[Image: mewtwo.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Shiny Mewtwo
Lv. 100 | Jolly | Classic Ribbon
OT: Pスクラップ | ID: 04286
[Image: eevee.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Shiny Eevee
Lv. 15 | Careful | Classic Ribbon
OT: Pスクラップ | ID: 03016
[Image: articuno.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png] Articuno
Lv. 70 | Careful | Classic Ribbon
OT: Pスクラップ | ID: 03016
[Image: zapdos.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png] Zapdos
Lv. 70 | Serious | Classic Ribbon
OT: Pスクラップ | ID: 03016
[Image: moltres.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png] Moltres
Lv. 70 | Gentle | Classic Ribbon
OT: Pスクラップ | ID: 03016

Tohoku Pikachu
[Image: pikachu.gif]
[Image: Bag_Heal_Ball_Sprite.png] Lv. 10 | Bashful (F) / Docile (M) | Classic Ribbon 
OT: トウホク | ID: 20163

Lance's Dragonite
[Image: dragonite.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png] Lv. 62 | Careful | Classic Ribbon 
OT: ワタル​​​ | ID: 03046

East-Asian Nebel Volcanion
[Image: volcanion.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png] Lv. 70 | Calm | Wishing Ribbon 
OT: ネーベル | ID: 04166

Hyadain's Landorus
[Image: landorus.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png] Lv. 50 | Adamant | Classic Ribbon 
OT: ヒャダイン | ID: 14818

Pokemon Cafe Pikachu
[Image: pikachu.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png] Lv. 10 | Quirky | Special Ribbon 
OT: P-Cafe | ID: 05276

Whitney's Miltank
[Image: miltank.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png] Lv. 20 | Impish | Classic Ribbon 
OT: アカネ| ID: 05276

Nintendo Hong Kong Mewtwo
[Image: mewtwo.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Shiny Mewtwo
Lv. 100 | Timid | Classic Ribbon
OT: Nintendo HK | ID: 06096

Kimia's Gardevoir
[Image: gardevoir.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Shiny Gardevoir
Lv. 50 | Impish and Quiet | Wishing Ribbon
OT: キミア | ID: 06176

Alva's Gengar
[Image: gengar.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Shiny Gengar
Lv. 50 | Brave | Wishing Ribbon
OT: ジャービス | ID: 07096

Game Freak Mew (GF)
[Image: mew.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png] Lv. 5 | Docile | Premier Ribbon 
OT: GF​​​ | ID: 22796

Cynthia's Garchomp
[Image: garchomp.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png] Lv. 66 | Rash | Classic Ribbon 
OT: シロナ​​​ | ID: 07226

N's Darmanitan
[Image: darmanitan.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png] Lv. 35 | Calm | Classic Ribbon 
OT: ​​​ | ID: 00002

Southeast-Asian Nebel Volcanion
[Image: volcanion.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png] Lv. 70 | Quirky | Wishing Ribbon 
OT: Nebel | ID: 11036
Japanese Region - Nintendo Network Events
Any Year

XY Torchic
[Image: torchic.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Lv. 10 | Mild | Premier Ribbon 
OT: XY | ID: 10123

GTS Fancy Pattern Vivillon
[Image: vivillon-fancy.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Lv. 12 | Hardy | Souvenir Ribbon 
OT: GTS | ID: 00108

Steven's Beldum
[Image: beldum.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Shiny Beldum
Lv. 5 | Rash | Classic Ribbon
OT: ダイゴ | ID: 11214

Serena's Pancham (NN)
[Image: pancham.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Lv. 30 | Adamant | Wishing Ribbon 
OT: セレナ | ID: 08175

PC Super Size Pumpakaboo
[Image: pumpkaboo.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Lv. 50 | Modest | Classic Ribbon 
OT: ポケセン | ID: 10105

Kotone Yasue's Tyranitar
[Image: tyranitar.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Shiny Tyranitar
Lv. 55 | Adamant | Battle Champion Ribbon
OT: ヤミらみこ | ID: 03866

Pokemon Center Diancie
[Image: diancie.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Shiny Diancie
Lv. 50 | Modest | Classic Ribbon
OT: ポケセン | ID: 12125
America Region - Serial Code Events

Winter 2013 Pokémon
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Scizor | Lv. 50 | Adamant | OT: WINTER2013| ID: 11153
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Garchomp | Lv. 50 | Jolly | OT: WINTER2013| ID: 11153

XY Garchomp
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Garchomp | Lv. 48 | Adamant | OT: XY| ID: 01244

October 2014 Pokémon
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Diancie | Lv. 50 | Calm | OT: OCT2014| ID: 10274
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Shiny Gengar (F) | Lv. 25 | Lonely | OT: OCT2014| ID: 10134
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Shiny Gengar (M) | Lv. 25 | Relaxed | OT: OCT2014| ID: 10134

XY Gengar
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Shiny Gengar | Lv. 25 | Jolly | OT: XY | ID: 10244

Hidden Ability Present Pokémon
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Serperior (F) | Lv. 50 | Calm | OT: Present | ID: 01225
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Serperior (M) | Lv. 50 | Bold | OT: Present | ID: 01225
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Emboar (F) | Lv. 50 | Modest | OT: Present| ID: 01295
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Emboar (M) | Lv. 50 | Mild | OT: Present| ID: 01295
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Samurott (M) | Lv. 50 | Bashful | OT: Present| ID: 02105
Missing: Samurott (F)

PGL Tyrunt
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Tyrunt (F) | Lv. 10 | Rash | OT: PGL | ID: 01235
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Tyrunt (M) | Lv. 10 | Naughty | OT: PGL | ID: 01235

PGL Amaura
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Amaura (F) | Lv. 10 | Impish | OT: PGL | ID: 03205
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Amaura (M) | Lv. 10 | Lax | OT: PGL | ID: 03205

Singapore Summer 2015 Rayquaza
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Shiny Rayquaza | Lv. 70 | Jolly | OT: SG Summer'15| ID: 03145

June 2015 Dragonite
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Dragonite (F) | Lv. 55 | Careful | OT: JUN2015 | ID: 06225
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Dragonite (M) | Lv. 55 | Naughty | OT: JUN2015 | ID: 06225

Manesh Hoopa
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Hoopa | Lv. 50 | Impish | OT: Manesh | ID: 08195

PGL Pikachu
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Pikachu (F) | Lv. 10 | Impish | OT: PGL | ID: 08215
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Pikachu (F) | Lv. 10 | Relaxed | OT: PGL | ID: 08215

Manesh Arceus
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Arceus | Lv. 100 | Rash | OT: Manesh | ID: 12215

PGL Delibird
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Delibird | Lv. 10 | Gentle | OT: PGL| ID: 12255

Pokémon 20th Anniversary Mythical Pokémon
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Genesect | Lv. 100 | Impish | OT: GF| ID: 11016
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Arceus | Lv. 100 | Sassy | OT: GF| ID: 08016
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Darkrai | Lv. 100 | Naughty | OT: GF| ID: 05016
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Mew | Lv. 100 | Impish | OT: GF| ID: 02016

Lance's Dragonite
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Dragonite | Lv. 62 | Hasty | OT: Lance| ID: 03046
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Dragonite | Lv. 62 | Adamant | OT: Lance| ID: 03046

Aldora Legendary birds
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Articuno | Lv. 70 | Gentle | OT: Aldora| ID: 05026
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Zapdos | Lv. 70 | Relaxed | OT: Aldora| ID: 05026
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Moltres | Lv. 70 | Bold | OT: Aldora| ID: 05026

Pokémon Cafe Pikachu
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Pikachu | Lv. 10 | Quiet | OT: P-Cafe| ID: 05276

Whitney's Miltank
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Miltank | Lv. 20 | Gentle | OT: Whitney| ID: 05276

Play! Pokémon 2016 Mewtwo
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Shiny Mewtwo | Lv. 100 | Jolly | OT: Play! 2016| ID: 07266

Cynthia's Garchomp
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Garchomp | Lv. 66 | Timid | OT: Cynthia| ID: 07226

N's Darmanitan
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Darmanitan | Lv. 35 | Calm | OT: N | ID: 00002

Alexander Hoopa
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Hoopa | Lv. 50 | Quirky | OT: Alexander | ID: 10036

Helen Volcanion
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Volcanion | Lv. 70 | Naive | OT: Helen | ID: 10016

Nebel Volcanion
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Volcanion | Lv. 70 | Quirky | OT: Nebel | ID: 11036
America Region - Nintendo Network Events

XY Torchic
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Torchic | Lv. 10 | Relaxed | OT: XY | ID: 10123

GTS Fancy Pattern Vivillon
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Vivillon (F)| Lv. 12 | Adamant | OT: GTS | ID: 00108
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Vivillon (M)| Lv. 12 | Impish | OT: GTS | ID: 00108

Summer 2014 Poké Ball Pattern Vivillon
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Vivillon | Lv. 12 | Docile | OT: SUM2014 | ID: 08064

Summer 2014 Tough Pokémon
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Pinsir | Lv. 50 | Adamant | OT: SUM2014 | ID: 08134
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Heracross | Lv. 50 | Adamant | OT: SUM2014 | ID: 08134

Spooky 2014 Super Size Pumpkaboo
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Pumpkaboo (F) | Lv. 50 | Naughty | OT: Spooky2014 | ID: 10014
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Pumpkaboo (M) | Lv. 50 | Bashful | OT: Spooky2014 | ID: 10014

Steven's Beldum
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Shiny Beldum | Lv. 5 | Timid | OT: Steven | ID: 11214

Hope Diancie
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Diancie | Lv. 50 | Docile | OT: Hope | ID: 07245

Galileo Rayquaza
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Shiny Rayquaza | Lv. 70 | Sassy/Hardy | OT: Galileo | ID: 08055

Sly Zoroark
[Image: Bag_Ultra_Ball_Sprite.png]Zoroark (F/M) | Lv. 50 | Adamant/Relaxed | OT: Sly | ID: 11045

Mac Hoopa
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Hoopa | Lv. 50 | Relaxed | OT: Mac | ID: 11275

Pokémon 20th Anniversary Mythical Pokémon
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Meloetta | Lv. 100 | Docile | OT: GF | ID: 12016
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Keldeo | Lv. 100 | Mild | OT: GF | ID: 10016
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Victini | Lv. 100 | Docile | OT: GF | ID: 09016
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Shaymin | Lv. 100 | Timid | OT: GF | ID: 07016
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Manaphy | Lv. 100 | Bashful | OT: GF | ID: 06016
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Jirachi | Lv. 100 | Naughty | OT: GF | ID: 04016
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Celebi | Lv. 100 | Calm | OT: GF | ID: 03016

Pokémon the Series: XYZ Pokémon
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Shiny Yveltal | Lv. 100 | Bashful | OT: XYZ | ID: 05206
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Shiny Xerneas | Lv. 100 | Hasty | OT: XYZ | ID: 05116
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Zygarde | Lv. 100 | Gentle | OT: XYZ | ID: 05026
All Regions - Local Distribution Events

Pokemon Center Birthday Pokemon
[Image: pikachu.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png] Pikachu
Lv. 10 | Special Ribbon |OT: ポケセン♪
2014: Lax (F), Mild (M) | ID: 10123
2015​​​​​​: Brave (F), Relaxed (M) | ID: 10014
2016: Serious (F), Mild (M) | ID: 10015
2017: Bold (F), Lax (M) | ID: 10016
English Events

[Image: salazzle.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Salazzle
Lv. 50 | Timid | Classic Ribbon 
OT: Clovis | ID: 080817
8/16/2017 | Impetuous and silly
Note: Obtained code from IRL store by me, have receipt proof.
Note2: Pokémon TCG - Gamestop Burning Shadows TCG Tie-in (EB Games)

[Image: marshadow.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Marshadow (マーシャドー)
Lv. 50 | Gentle | Wishing Ribbon
OT: テンセイざん | ID: 170715
7/27/2017 | Capable of taking hits
[Image: tapukoko.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Tapu Koko
Lv. 60, Timid
OT: Melemele | ID: 170714 (ENGLISH)
OT: Melemele | ID: 170714 (SPANISH)
OT: Mele-Mele | ID: 170714 (GERMAN) (Name: Kapu-Riki)
OT: メレメレ | ID: 170317 (JAPANESE) (Name: カプ・コケコ) (Lv. 64, Not UT)

[Image: 025-o.png]
Pikachu (ピカチュウ) 
Lv. 1 | M | Hardy | Wishing Ribbon
OT: サトシ | ID: 970401
4/15/2017 | Very Finicky

Pikachu (ピカチュウ) (Not UT)
Lv. 43 | M | Hardy | Wishing Ribbon, Alola Champion Ribbon
OT: サトシ | ID: 970401
7/25/2017 | Likes to relax
[Image: 025-a.png]
Pikachu (ピカチュウ)
Lv. 20 | M | Hardy | Wishing Ribbon
OT: サトシ | ID: 161117
7/14/2017 | Nods off a lot

[Image: arceus.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Arceus
Lv. 100 | Calm| Classic Ribbon 
OT: GF | ID: 08016
Fateful encounter from Kalos | Takes plenty of siestas
Note: Pokémon 20th Anniversary - Gamestop Event
[Image: xerneas.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Xerneas
Lv. 100 | Naive | Classic Ribbon 
OT: XYZ| ID: 05116
Fateful encounter from Kalos | Alert to sounds
Note: Pokémon Fates Collide Distribution
[Image: yveltal.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Yveltal
Lv. 100 | Brave| Classic Ribbon 
OT: XYZ| ID: 05206
Fateful encounter from Kalos | Somewhat vain
Note: Pokémon Fates Collide Distribution
[Image: yveltal.gif]
[Image: Bag_Cherish_Ball_Sprite.png]Yveltal
Lv. 100 | Modest| Classic Ribbon 
OT: Descartes| ID: 05206
Fateful encounter from Kalos | Capable of taking hits

[Image: celebi.gif]
Lv. 50, Sassy/Bashful, Classic Ribbon, UT
OT: WIN2011 | ID: 02211

[Image: pichu.gif]
Shiny Pichu
M, Lv. 100, Jolly, Classic Ribbon, UT
OT: GAMESTP | ID: 01300

[Image: entei.gif]
Shiny Entei (エンテイ)
Lv. 30, Adamant, Classic Ribbon, UT
OT: クラウン | ID: 06180
Note: Pokemon Movie 10

[Image: celebi.gif]
Lv. 100, Lax
OT: 10 ANIV | ID: 00010
My Wants
1. Cool Event Pokemon (preferably from 2015 onwards)
2. Shiny Lv.1 Pokemon that I don't have! Just offer as much as you can and I will choose the ones I like, even if I have them all
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That should be enough, you may begin posting. Have fun everyone!!
Iam interested in your 2006, 2010, 2011 and Marshadow Event, i got a own Post about shiny and event so feel free to check there
(Aug 17, 2017, 11:13 PM)Aaroniskill1996 Wrote: Iam interested in your 2006, 2010, 2011 and Marshadow Event, i got a own Post about shiny and event so feel free to check there
Hi Aaron, is this your post?
There's no extra info about the Event Pokemon you listed so I don't know which event they are, please tell me ID No, OT, and event date if possible. Thanks Smile
@Queen I'm interested in the Entei event Blush

Here is what I have:
20th Anniversary events and ORAS:
Shiny Yveltal
Shiny Xerneas

"To believe in an ideal, is to be willing to betray it"
                 VGC, Friend Safari, Masuda
Hi there, I would like your Arceus for Entei. If you agree, I'm free to trade right now Smile

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