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[GIVEAWAY] Any (legal) pokemon you want [S/M]
Pokemon Deposited: Exeggcute 
Level of deposited: 1
Gender of Deposited: Female
Pokemon requested: Snorlax
Message: I want to fill my Pokedex.

Thanks!  Smile
1.hyper voice
2.calm mind
4.shadow ball
ability trace
Nature timid 
Hp must be fire
252 spa 4spd 252spe
item choice specs
Shiny nickname: Shadow Angel
2.dragon claw
3.stone edge
4.iron head
Nature jolly
Ability rough skin
Item choice scarf
252atk 4spd 252spe
shiny nickname:Dark Abyss

Hello again!  I've got a request this time for a Reuniclus!

Pokemon : Reuniclus
Shiny : Yes
Gender : Female
Nickname : Bubble Buddy
Level : 100 (Hatched Lv.1 at Seafloor Cavern in Hoenn, ORAS)
Nature : Quiet
Item : Master Ball
Ability : Magic Guard
Pokerus : Yes but cured
OT (Optional) :  Spongebob
Ribbons : Battle Tree Master Ribbon
Region of Pokemon (Optional) : ENG
Pokeball : Quick Ball
IVS : All 0 (for HP Fighting); afterwards, use Bottle Caps to max everything EXCEPT Speed; Speed IV = 0
EVS : 248 HP / 8 DEF / 252 SP.ATK
Moves :
- Psychic
- Shadow Ball
- Calm Mind
- Trick Room
Relearn Moves (Optional) :
- Acid Armor
- Confuse Ray
- Imprison
- Trick

Again, let me know if there's anything wrong with the info for the gen.  Thanks!  :D
Pokemon deposited:Exeggcute
Pokemon request:Metagross

My 4 Requests
Pokemon: Gastrodon-East (Blue and Green)
Shiny: Yes
Gender: Female
Level: 50
Nature: Calm
Item: Gold Bottle Cap
Ability: Storm Drain
Pokerus: Yes
Region of Pokemon (Optional): English
Pokeball: Dive Ball
IVS: Max but 0 Atk
EVS: 244 Hp 180Defense 4Special Attack 76 Special Defence 4 Speed
Moves: Scald, Recover,Clear Smog, Protect
Relearnable Moves: Stockpile, Mirror Coat, Counter
OT (Optional): May

Pokemon: Snorlax
Shiny: Yes
Gender: Female
Level: 100
Nature: Relaxed
Item: Gold Bottle Cap
Ability: Gluttony
Pokerus: Yes
Region of Pokemon (Optional): English
Pokeball: Beast Ball
IVS: 0 Speed 2Special Attack 0 Attack
EVS: 0
Moves: Return, Belly Drum, Recycle, Protect
OT (Optional): May

Pokemon: Salamence
Shiny: No
Gender: Female
Level: 50
Nature: Timid
Item: Gold Bottle Cap
Ability: Intimidate
Pokerus: Yes
Region of Pokemon (Optional): English
Pokeball: Beast Ball
IVS: Max
EVS: 0
Moves: Flamethrower, Draco Meteor, Bulldoze, Dragon Pulse
OT (Optional): May

Pokemon: Pheromosa
Shiny: No
Gender: No
Level: 100
Nature: Naughty
Item: Gold Bottle Cap
Ability: Beast Boost
Pokerus: Yes
Region of Pokemon (Optional): Engligh
Pokeball: Beast Ball
IVS: Max All (0 Speed, 0 Hp,0 Defence)
EVS: 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 6 Special Attack
Moves: Ice Beam, Poison Jab, High Jump Kick, Protect
OT (Optional): May
@moo311 Can I claim my Pokemon today please?
(Aug 27, 2017, 03:24 PM)moo311 Wrote: @bendikr The event pokemo ncan't have their OTs changed and for the victini, I can put bolt strike on it. Also, the giratina event has to be shiny or brave. So, I'll put it in a regular pokeball.
@moo311 Sure, do that! So I'm getting the Giratina just in a normal PokeBall right? Cuz I dont want it shiny Smile
(Aug 27, 2017, 08:53 AM)moo311 Wrote: @Total-Insanity Magearna and Tapu Koko have to be in a cherish ball and can't have their OT changed

That's fine, Pokeball and OT weren't a big deal anyway  Big Grin
Sorry about my absence, more giveaways coming soon!

PM me about shinies you would like me to start hunting, suggestions wanted.
I think we can trade the requested Groudon via GTS, right @moo311 ?

If this is possible I am depositing an Exeggcute tomorow morning (Beijing time i.e. in 10 hours or so). I will let you when it is done and tell you the relevent information about the deposited Pokemon. Smile
 ~ Always ready to fire up the party! ~ 

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