Sep 3, 2017, 10:47 AM
@Darkpower Enjoy 
@element_x49 I don't see it
@"sayntshido" Sorry, I didn't make it really clear. I meant 9 AM your time on Monday
@"theoapo13" I don't see it
@hsgcapoquian Enjoy
@"sayntshido" Enjoy
@thebeardsone Either or
@bendikr I said that every end of the month, I would close the genning thread and restart it once all pokemon have been claimed or at the end of the month

@element_x49 I don't see it

@"sayntshido" Sorry, I didn't make it really clear. I meant 9 AM your time on Monday
@"theoapo13" I don't see it

@hsgcapoquian Enjoy

@"sayntshido" Enjoy

@thebeardsone Either or
@bendikr I said that every end of the month, I would close the genning thread and restart it once all pokemon have been claimed or at the end of the month