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My Shiny Hunting Records! - Extras for Trade
Hey, everybody! It's 0kamii, and today I want to share all the Shiny pokémon I've obtained in the last two years of hunting!

Keep in mind, I'm not trying to brag or anything. I've seen other users sharing their Shiny lists, and I figured it'd be fun to add my own spin to it. My roster isn't exactly standard, and it's for a very specific reason. See, as most of you know, I'm an English major in real-life, and I've been working on my debut novel for publication. As such, I can't help but turn everything into a saga. Somehow, my Shinies got the same treatment. Now I have a list of exactly 137 Shinies that I've collected, so there are certainly some hunts that stand out over others. However, the first thing I want to do is give you the backstory to all these Shinies. I call it: The Cheesecake Kingdom v. Maledict's Army! (No, I'm not kidding.) If you've no desire to read this and just want to know what Shinies I have for trade, just jump to the list below.

The Cheesecake Kingdom v. Maledict's Army - The Epic Saga
At the dawn of time, there were only a few scattered pokémon to inhabit the desolate wastes. These lands had been scorched by fate, and had been dealt the hand of plague and famine for too many years. There, nothing survived. Days were dark, and the only sunlight spilling through the clouds was lost in moments. To the few pokémon that survived, Bisharp, Donphan, Treecko, Eevee, Yanma, among others, life seemed that of a rolling stone. But then...

One fateful evening by the shores, a single egg hatched. Thousands like it had come before him, but his skin shone brighter than all the rest! Stretching out his mauve flippers, he laid down onto the sand: the sand of his kingdom. To us, he was Lapras. To his peers, he was Cheesecake, their divine leader. Dominus et deus. Overnight he unified the pokémon of the wastes, and brought them together under a single banner. Under Cheesecake's leadership, the Cheesecake Kingdom took shape. All pokémon, large or small, was welcomed by the nurturing appendages of King Cheesecake. With the combined strength of the kingdom, the wastes were cultivated. Water dashed through the soil as it never had before, and with fertile land came joy the pokémon had never known. Soon, word of Cheesecake's might spread, and other Shiny pokémon began to appear. His kingdom grew, and all seemed right. That is until he came.

Under a bleeding sky, a blue fox emerged from an egg. No one was expecting it to happen so soon, yet all the same his mane gleamed in the waning light. Shocked, baffled, petrified, they rejected him. They called him Maledict, 'One that wishes harm.' He slunk into the shadows, bided his time. In weeks, he grew. His limbs broaded, his mane flowed, and his ominous blue fur darkened to the most spiteful purple. His color embodied his status, one regal pokémon to another. Maledict's power knew no bounds. His strength excelled, and the people of the Cheesecake Kingdom sought refuge in King Cheesecake's protective flippers. Maledict challenged Cheesecake, eager to take revenge for his ruthless discrimination. But Cheesecake's loyal captain, G. la Reine (Bisharp), fought off Maledict is a blaze of wonder. Swearing he'd fulfill his vegeance, Maledict promised to come back stronger and with his own army amassed. And thus he waited in the shadows, snagging all those like him. The ones that came along too soon. For years they sprouted, first a Horsea, then a Feebas, and then a Carvanha. Soon a Delibird, and a Goodra, and then a Crustle. After an Altaria. Over the years his army grew, skulking about in the corner of the Kingdom. Patiently they planned their assault, all the while, Captain G. la Reine was becoming unable to serve is Immortal King.

Mauled by the hands of time, G. la Reine had grown too old to serve his King as well as he had. As thus, he sought an apprentice. All of them had potential, but one of them was particularly defiant. He was adamant in a way the others weren't, and he thought for himself despite all punishment. G. la Reine knew, this was the pupil he desired. His training was long, but in the end he emerged Tagaloa (Empoleon), not just the Captain of the Guard, but also King Cheesecake's loyal General. In G. la Reine's stead, General Tagaloa created the Royal Guard. Four of the fiercest warriors in the Cheesecake Kingdom: Arthos (Scolipede) the Swift, Makuwahine (Miltank) the Merciless, Torkoal of the Flame, and Whimsicott of the Westerlies. Together with their General, they dealt a final, deadly blow against Maledict and his forces, scattering them to the most lifeless corners of the Kingdom for their treachery. But Cheesecake, in all his benevolence, decided in his good nature to give their leader one final chance.

On a barren plain, the purple monarchs approached one another. With King Cheesecake was his General and Captain, Tagaloa. With Maledict was his bodyguard and soft-spoken, trusted confidant, Erebus (Haxorus). For a few fragile seconds, only the wind ruptured the silence. Then King Cheesecake slid over to Maledict with a smile upon his face. Maledict, bewildered, reached out to the purple King, only for Cheesecake to bow his head in respect. Maledict, floored, lashed out at the King. But before a single blow could be struck, he stopped. In Cheesecake's eyes, he saw only the fatigue of authority. The elder had been in power for many years, and the daily struggle of keeping his people safe had worn on him. In was then that Maledict realized Cheesecake's true intentions. The old King had run out of time, and wanted to spend his last day giving Maledict and his outcasts the gift of forgiveness. Before his eyes, Cheesecake ascended into the breaking clouds above, leaving behind a shower of sparkling stars. Maledict, who's itch for revenge swallowed him so many years, at long last felt his heart's greatest desire: peace. He'd wanted a world where all premature Shinies could exist in harmony with temprate ones, and by warring with Cheesecake, he'd only assisted in preventing his own dream. Humbled, Maledict extended a hand in friendship to General Tagaloa. The penguin, moved by his King's final act, accepted.

Thus began a new age in the Cheesecake Kingdom. With the passing of the King, his pupil, the Queen Nido (Nidoqueen), assumed the throne. She vowed to created a world where all Shinies could live in unity, without discrimination and hardship. Under her rule, all premature Shinies were no longer outcast, and all seemed to be as Maledict, and Cheesecake, had wanted. But the saga does not end there. Lingering in the shadows sat a dormant evil, one with the most vacant expression. Waiting, slaughtering time waiting for Queen Nido to dwindle. But that dear friends, is a tale for another time.

And there you have it. The complete story of the Cheesecake Kingdom. Obviously, I can't expect all of you to read it. So if you've no interest in that, you've probably already skipped down here. Feel free to browse my Shiny hunting records and to let me know what your record is if you've hunted the same Shiny. If requested, I'll go into detail about why every Shiny assumed the role they did in this epic tale! And again, if there's a 'x' next to a Shiny, that means I have multiple of those and am willing to trade. List of what I'm looking for will be below.
My Shiny Hunting Records!
Masuda Method:
Shiny Pawniard – 283 eggs
Shiny Phanpy – 521 eggs
Shiny Sneasel – 330 eggs
Shiny Zorua – 15 eggs
Shiny Venipede – 1,060 eggs
Shiny Drifloon – 423 eggs
Shiny Aron – 147 eggs
Shiny Carbink – 187 eggs
Shiny Lapras – 2,037 eggs
Shiny Charmander – 140 eggs
Shiny Cranidos – 319 eggs
Shiny Heatmor – 613 eggs
Shiny Shellder – 17 eggs
Shiny Tepig – 158 eggs
Shiny Sandile – 238 eggs
Shiny Froakie – 26 eggs
Shiny Flabébé (W) – 269 eggs
Shiny Bagon – 436 eggs
Shiny Axew – 65 eggs
Shiny Tyrunt – 679 eggs
Shiny Skrelp – 147 eggs
Shiny Drampa – 31/661 eggs
Shiny Cottonee – 1,180 eggs
Shiny Miltank – 1,198 eggs
Shiny Piplup – 393/506/794/816/1,683/1,904/1,908 eggs
Shiny Minun – 167 eggs
Shiny Alolan Sandshrew – 30 eggs
Shiny Minior – 40 eggs
Shiny Dhelmise – 325 eggs
Shiny Emolga – 389 eggs
Shiny Swirlix – 32 eggs
Shiny Mareanie – 135 eggs
Shiny Karrablast – 194 eggs
Shiny Pachirisu – 739/795/900 eggs
Shiny Electrike – 743 eggs
Shiny Oricorio (Sensu) – 267 eggs
Shiny Torkoal – 1,138 eggs
Shiny Togedemaru – 73 eggs
Shiny Passimian – 806 eggs
Shiny Totodile – 700 eggs

Chain Fishing:
Shiny Horsea – 22 casts
Shiny Feebas – 10 casts
Shiny Carvanha – 18 casts
Shiny Staryu – 43 casts
Shiny Wailmer – 184 casts

DexNav Mode:
Shiny Girafarig – 306 encounters
Shiny Ponyta – 489 encounters
Shiny Rufflet – 855 encounters
Shiny Munna – 561 encounters
Shiny Ralts (Male) – 70 encounters

Soft-resets/Runaway encounters:
Shiny Treecko – 2,244 soft-resets (full odds) 1/4,096
Shiny Suicune – 1,979 soft-resets
Shiny Lugia – 716 soft-resets
Shiny Latios – 655 run-aways
Shiny Cresselia – 2,849 soft-resets
Shiny Dialga – 2,304 soft-resets
Shiny Zekrom – 144 soft-resets
Shiny Regirock – 615 soft-resets
Shiny Reshiram – 343 soft-resets
Shiny Latias – 324 run-aways
Shiny Palkia – 402 soft-resets
Shiny Giratina – 1,301 soft-resets
Shiny Kyurem – 1,367 soft-resets
Shiny Kecleon – 327 soft-resets
Shiny Ho-Oh – 909 soft-resets
Shiny Raikou – 2,905 soft-resets
Shiny Rowlet – 1,784 soft-resets (full odds) 1/4,096
Shiny Type: Null – 3,893 soft-resets
Shiny Regice – 958 soft-resets

Repel Encounter:
Shiny Croagunk – 706 repelled encounters
Shiny Numel – 155 repelled encounters

Friend Safari:
Shiny Druddigon – 283 encounters
Shiny Eevee – 5,303 encounters
Shiny Noibat – 710 encounters
Shiny Hawlucha – 13 encounters
Shiny Dwebble – 85 encounters
Shiny Swanna – 2,130 encounters
Shiny Delibird – 57 encounters
Shiny Trapinch – 983 encounters
Shiny Sliggoo – 52 encounters
Shiny Smeargle – 668 encounters
Shiny Lampent – 751 encounters
Shiny Skarmory – 1,506 encounters
Shiny Hitmonchan – 4,294 encounters
Shiny Gogoat – 1,904 encounters
Shiny Bergmite – 1,312 encounters

Horde Hunting:
Shiny Roggenrola – 475 hordes
Shiny Yanma – 2,603 hordes
Shiny Roselia – 723 hordes
Shiny Swablu – 91 hordes

S.O.S. Chaining:
Shiny Dratini – 411 allies called
Shiny Exeggcute – 337 allies called
Shiny Hakamo-o 142 allies called
Shiny Rockruff – 30 allies called
Shiny Pikipek – 68 allies called
Shiny Mudbray – 167 allies called
Shiny Alolan Meowth – 494 allies called

Egg Swap Method:
Shiny Deino – 210 + 30 eggs

Chance Encounter:
Shiny Swinub – count unavailable (full odds) 1/8,192
Shiny Grumpig – count unavailable
Shiny Espurr – count unavailable
Shiny Clauncher x 3 – count unavailable
Shiny Lillipup x 2 – count unavailable
Shiny Nosepass x 6 – count unavailable
Shiny Dwebble – count unavailable
Shiny Pidgey x 4 – count unavailable
Shiny Gastrodon – count unavailable
Shiny Yungoos – count unavailable
Shiny Mudbray – count unavailable
Shiny Phantump x 2 – count unavailable
Shiny Smeargle (failed) – 549 repelled encounters
Shiny Excadrill – 779 encounters
Shiny Meditite x 2 – 1,468 encounters
Shiny Vullaby x 3 – 116 eggs
Shiny Lotad – count unavailable (full odds)
Shiny Gible – egg count unavailable
Shiny Dewpider – egg count unavailable
Shinies I Want!
Shiny Farfetch'd  - Any level, any gender
Shiny Jolteon - Any level, any gender
Shiny Tympole - Any level, any gender (must have Swift Swim)
Shiny Archen - any level, any gender
Shiny Bunnelby - any level, any gender (must have Huge Power)

Sorry for the bulk of this post you guys! Won't happen again, I promise! Let me know what you think of my backstory, and yes, I'll be sure to answer any questions you have regarding my free well as my sanity.

Thanks for reading, everyone! Battle onwards, friends!

- 0kamii
Amethyst Ωmega - Guild Leader/Founder 
Okay okay first off Round of Applause Big Grin That story consumed me, it was just amazing I've always felt the need for a backstory of how shiny Pokemon
came about and how they were treated and what you just wrote was absolutely amazing.

I like how you made the Lapras the king that's really fitting seeing what kind of Pokemon he is and Bishop and Empoleon are two of my favorite shiny so seeing them in the Story made it even better, also the nicknames for your Pokemon were just perfect especially Cheesecake,Tagaloa and Maledict which fits well for Zoroark.

I love the end of the story even though King cheesecake died he showed forgiveness to maledict and in return maldek learned compassion and went on to live without Revenge.

Over all this story really showed me the dedication you have to your Pokemon not only with the nicknames but also the roles they play in the story, but anyways that's a crazy shiny list and I hope you keep catching shinies and keep writing.

Almost forgot quick question when is part 2 coming out Big Grin .
Words i live by - Good Luck and Chance.
In the shinies you want section, you said you wanted a shiny jolteon, I have a shiny jolteon, but the stats are really bad
@0kamii Would you trade one of the shinies you have multiples of for a Wingull/Pelipper?
I'm back again.

Yep. I'm not planning on using it in a competitive sense. I just want a Shiny Jolteon for the collection. If you're willing to trade, what among my extras do you want?

@Mr. Ultracool

Does the Wingull have Hydration? If so, what exactly do you want? I'm open to just about anything with an 'x' next to it.

- 0kamii
Amethyst Ωmega - Guild Leader/Founder 
(Sep 23, 2017, 01:08 PM)0kamii Wrote: @Reis

Yep. I'm not planning on using it in a competitive sense. I just want a Shiny Jolteon for the collection. If you're willing to trade, what among my extras do you want?

@Mr. Ultracool

Does the Wingull have Hydration? If so, what exactly do you want? I'm open to just about anything with an 'x' next to it.

- 0kamii

I don't need anything in return, I think it is more fun to own a shiny on your own, but that's just me
We can trade now if you want
oops i forgot i am at a place where my ds doesnt have connection, will you be on about an hour or 2 from now?

If you're sure there's nothing you want, I'm online now. Or we can trade tomorrow if that works better? Either way, I'll be glad to take that Jolteon off your hands. Again, as long as that's alright with you.

- 0kamii
Amethyst Ωmega - Guild Leader/Founder 
(Sep 23, 2017, 04:34 PM)0kamii Wrote: @Reis

If you're sure there's nothing you want, I'm online now. Or we can trade tomorrow if that works better? Either way, I'll be glad to take that Jolteon off your hands. Again, as long as that's alright with you.

- 0kamii

Let me get online @0kamii
Okay, ready

Getting on now.

- 0kamii
Amethyst Ωmega - Guild Leader/Founder 
@0kamii Wow, this is impressive. I never could have caught nearly 150 shinies. You better let us know when you publish that book, too; I would read it.
Also you should give me a shiny Pidgey because I'm special
VGC|Breeding|Forum Regular|Amethyst 0mega

PM me if you need help with competitive battling!

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