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[GIVEAWAY] Any (legal) pokemon you want [S/M]
Pokemon Deposited: Exeggcute (Facepalm)
Level of deposited:1
Gender of Deposited: Female
Pokemon requested: Staryu
Message: I want to fill my pokedex 

For the Genesect did you want to hold on to it until we do the link trade for the anime theme mons so you don't have to get on link separate times?
@moo311 You said that once I collected my mons you'd tell me what mons you chose? And thanks for Breloom :P
Deposited: Exeggcute
Level: 1
Gender: Female
Requested: Scizor
Message: i want to trade for a pokemon that is strong in battles
IGN: Jim

Thanks so much
@moo311 It would be nice if you could change the  level for hypertraining Lickytung. Rather thanks for giving me the advice.

Depostited: exegcutte for audino
Gender: female
lv: 43
ot tyler
Please trade pokemon with me. Thanks in advance
Pokemon Deposited: Exeggcute
Level of deposited: 1
Gender of Deposited: Male
Pokemon requested: Swoobat
Message: I want to fill my Pokedex.

Thanks ~  Smile
Pokemon Deposited: Exeggcute
Level of deposited: 1
Gender of Deposited: Male
Pokemon requested: Garchomp
Message: I want to fill my Pokedex.
Hey @moo311! Thanks for this excellent giveaway! Here is my request:

Pokemon: Magcargo
Shiny: No
Gender: M
Nickname: Lavo
Level: 100
Nature: Timid
Item: Focus Sash
Ability: Weak Armor
Pokerus: Cured
Pokeball: Standard pokeball
IVS: HP Grass (highest IVs spread with 0 or 1 in Atk if possible, please)
EVS: 252 SpA / 4 Def / 252 Spe
-Guard Swap
-Shell Smash
-Hidden Power (Grass)
OT (Optional): Any legal OT

Pokemon: Torkoal
Shiny: No
Gender: F
Nickname: Tortuga
Level: 100
Nature: Bold
Item: White Herb
Ability: Drought
Pokerus: Cured
Pokeball: Standard Pokeball
IVS: 5 IVs (0 IVs in Atk )
EVS: 248 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
- Stealth Rock
- Clear Smog
- Yawn
- Earth Power
OT (Optional): Any legal OT

Pokemon: Flareon
Shiny: No
Gender: F
Nickname: Flare
Level: 100
Nature: Jolly
Item: Air Balloon
Ability: Guts
Pokerus: Cured
Pokeball: Standard Pokeball
IVS: 6 IVs
EVS: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
- Wish
- Superpower
- Quick Attack
- Yawn
OT (Optional): Any legal OT 

Pokemon: Chandelure
Shiny: No
Gender: M
Nickname: Casper
Level: 100
Nature: Timid
Item: Rocky Helmet
Ability: Flash Fire
Pokerus: Cured
Region of Pokemon (Optional):
Pokeball: Standard Pokeball
IVS: HP Ice (highest IVs spread with 0 or 1 in Atk if possible, please)
EVS: 252 SpA / 4 Def / 252 Spe
- Flamethrower
- Shadow Ball
- Energy Ball
- Hidden Power (Ice)
OT (Optional): Any legal OT

I already checked these mons and they should all be legal  Big Grin
 ~ Always ready to fire up the party! ~ 

I caught my in-game Solgaleo with a Master Ball. Maybe you're thinking about Cosmog which is only able to be in a Poke Ball?
@moo311 ughh I'm sorry I got up this morning and my 3ds touch screen isn't responding Dx I've tried every trick the internet has to offer I'm gonna buy a new one tonight so we could we reschedule for tomorrow possibly?
Dont know why I never thought to put this here...
All your Hidden Ability needs in one place <3

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