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[GIVEAWAY] Any (legal) pokemon you want [S/M]
(Oct 22, 2017, 04:20 PM)moo311 Wrote: @bloodstains4 No, around 24 hours. But, if you can, I can trade now

@moo311  Alright. 24 hours from it is. See you tomorrow then. Smile
@moo311 if I submit another 4 tonight when would we be able to trade? Wanted to get a team together for the spooky cup this weekend :p
Dont know why I never thought to put this here...
All your Hidden Ability needs in one place <3
(Oct 22, 2017, 03:59 PM)moo311 Wrote: @bamino Enjoy Smile
@bloodstains4 Can you trade 6:30 PM EST Monday?
@Uri Enjoy Smile
@rayqon Enjoy Smile
@Saichi Can you trade 7:30 PM EST Monday?
@RazorGuild You have to fill out the template first, requesting which pokemon you want and the specifics.
@Riola Enjoy Smile
@Eugenio Enjoy Smile
Thank you so much Blush
Here is last one for this set.
Pokemon Deposited: Exeggcute
Level: 1
Gender: Male
Pokemon requested: Xerneas
Pokeball: Ultra Ball
Message: I want to trade for pokemon that is strong in battles.

Also, for the next set. Smile
Pokemon: Mewtwo
Shiny: No
Gender: Genderless
Nickname: -
Level: 100
Nature: Timid
Item: Gold Bottle Cap
Ability: Pressure
Pokerus: -
Region of Pokemon (Optional): Kalos
Pokeball: Any
IVS: 5 IVs, 0 Atk
EVS: 8 HP, 80 Def, 228 Sp.Atk, 192 Spe
- Psystrike
- Ice Beam
- Focus Blast
- Calm Mind
OT (Optional): Serena

Pokemon: Solgaleo
Shiny: No
Gender: Genderless
Nickname: Nebby
Level: 100
Nature: Adament
Item: Gold Bottle Cap
Ability: Full Metal Body
Pokerus: -
Pokeball: Any
IVS: 5 IVs, 0 Sp.Atk
EVS: 252 Atk, 4 Sp.Def, 252 Spe
- Sunsteel Strike
- Toxic
- Earthquake
- Flare Blitz
OT (Optional): Lillie

Pokemon: Klinklang
Shiny: No
Gender: Genderless
Nickname: -
Level: 100
Nature: Adament
Item: Gold Bottle Cap
Ability: Clear Body
Pokerus: -
Region of Pokemon (Optional): Unova
Pokeball: Any
IVS: 5 IVs, 0 Sp.Atk
EVS: 80 HP, 252 Atk, 176 Spe
- Shift Gear
- Gear Grind
- Return
- Wild Charge
OT (Optional): Colress

Pokemon: Raichu (non Alolan form)
Shiny: No
Gender: Male
Nickname: -
Level: 100
Nature: Timid
Item: Gold Bottle Cap
Ability: Static
Pokerus: -
Region of Pokemon (Optional): Kanto(or Johto I base his Moveset from Gen IV's HGSS)
Pokeball: Any
IVS: 5 IVs, 0 Atk
EVS: 252 Sp.Atk, 4 Sp.Def, 252 Spe
- Nasty Plot
- Thunderbolt
- Focus Blast
- Discharge
OT (Optional): Surge
Thanks in advance!

P.S. Onix from last batch its OT was Seira (Just FYI you don't need to fix it XD)
Here's my set

Pokemon: Landorus-Therian
Shiny: No
Gender: Male
Nickname: - 
Level: 100
Nature: Adament
Item: Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
Pokerus: No
Region of Pokemon (Optional): None
Pokeball: Luxury Ball
IVS: 6 
EVS: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Speed
- Earthquake
- Fly
- Smack Down
- Swords Dance
Relearn Moves/Eggmoves (Optional): None
OT (Optional): Razor

Here is also where my GTS Mon for trading is:
Quote:Pokemon Deposited: Exeggcute (Only pokemon I will be accepting)
Level of deposited: 41
Gender of Deposited: Male
Pokemon requested:Landorus
Message: I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles.

Ok I'm back for 4 more

level 100
nature jolly
item life's orb
ability air lock
pokeball masterball 
ivs 6 ivs
Evs 256 spattack
dragon acent 
extreme speed
Swords dance

pokemon groudon
shiny yes
level 100
nature jolly
item red orb
ability drought
poke ball quick ball
ivs 6ivs
Ev 256 attack 
Precise blades
fire punch
Stone edge
hone claws

pokemon Alalon vulpix 
shiny yes
gender female
nickname Gerry
level 1
nature timid
item quick claw
ability snow warning
pokeball nestball
ivs 5ivs
Ev any
@moo311 Hi, This will be my last set. Thank you in advance!

Pokemon: Latias
Shiny: no
Gender: Female
Level: 100
Nature: Timid
Item: Gold Bottle Cap
Ability: Levitate
Pokerus: No
Region of Pokemon (Optional): Hoenn (OR/AS)
Pokeball: Pokeball
IVS: 3 IVs
EVS: 252 Hp / 60 Def / 196 Spe
- Calm Mind
- Stored Power
- Recover
- Thunderbolt
OT (Optional): Menyo

Pokemon: Umbreon (Pokémon Center Birthday Event)
For Reference: (2014)
Gender: Male
Level: 100
Nature: Impish
Item: Gold Bottle Cap
Ability: Synchronize
Pokerus: No
Region of Pokemon (Optional): Hoenn (OR/AS)
Pokeball: Cherish Ball
IVS: 4 IVS (Hp,Def,SpD,Spe)
EVS: 252 Hp / 4 Def / 252 Spe
- Celebrate
- Taunt
- Baton Pass
- Mean Look
OT (Optional): ポケセン♪
ID: 10014

Pokemon: Greninja
Shiny: No
Gender: Male
Level: 100
Nature: Hasty
Item: Expert Belt
Ability: Protean
Pokerus: No
Pokeball: Pokeball
IVS: 31/30/31/30/31/30 (Hp Fire)
EVS: 252 SpA / 4 Atk / 252 Spe
- Gunk Shot
- Hp Fire
- Ice Beam
- Dark Pulse
OT (Optional): Menyo

Pokemon: Kartana
Shiny: no
Gender: Genderless
Level: 100
Nature: Jolly
Item: Gold Bottle Cap
Ability: Beast Boost
Pokerus: No
Pokeball: Beast Ball
IVS: 3 IVs
EVS: 196 Atk / 116 SpD / 196 Spe
- Swords Dance
- Sacred Sword
- Leaf Blade
- Night Slash
OT (Optional): Menyo
@moo311 Hey! I've been away from the site for awhile and wow-e I'm happy to be back!

Pokemon: Sandslash (Alolan)
Shiny: Yes
Gender: Male
Level: 100
Nature: Jolly
Item: Gold Bottle Cap
Ability: Slush Rush
Pokerus: No
Region of Pokemon (Optional): ENG
Pokeball: Beast Ball
IVS: Max All but 0 Sp.Atk
EVS: Max Speed, Max Atk and rest in HP.
Moves: Iron Head, Icicle Crash, Earthquake and Rock Slide.
Relearn Moves/Eggmoves (Optional): Icicle Spear and Night Slash
OT (Optional): Kial

Pokemon: Pidgeot
Shiny: Yes
Gender: Male
Level: 100
Nature: Timid
Item: Gold Bottle Cap
Ability: Big Pecks
Pokerus: No
Region of Pokemon (Optional): ENG
Pokeball: Master Ball
IVS: Max All but 0 Atk
EVS: Max Speed, Max Sp.Atk and rest in HP
Moves: Hurricane, Heat Wave, Uproar and Tailwind
Relearn Moves/Eggmoves (Optional): Snore
OT (Optional): Kial

Pokemon: Ho-Oh
Shiny: Yes (If it can be)
Gender: None
Level: 100
Nature: Careful
Item: Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
Pokerus: Yes
Region of Pokemon (Optional): French
Pokeball: Dream Ball
IVS: Max All but 0 Sp.Atk
EVS: Max Hp, Max Sp.Def and rest in Def.
Moves: Sacred Fire, Fly, Recover and Light Screen.
OT (Optional): Art

Pokemon: Rayquaza
Shiny: Yes
Gender: None
Level: 100
Nature: Adamant
Item: Gold Bottle Cap
Ability: Air Lock
Pokerus: No
Region of Pokemon (Optional): ENG
Pokeball: Event Ball
IVS: Max All but 0 Sp.Atk
EVS: Max Atk, Max Hp and rest in Speed.
Moves: Dragon Ascent, Earthquake, Extreme Speed and Dragon Dance.
OT (Optional): Kial

Thanks in advance!
Deposit Exeggcute, LV 1 male
Pokémon wanted : Cresselia , gender any, level : 91 or higher
I want to trade a pokemon that is strong in battle

Thanks in advance Cool
Big Grin
(Oct 22, 2017, 04:45 PM)bloodstains4 Wrote:
(Oct 22, 2017, 04:20 PM)moo311 Wrote: @bloodstains4 No, around 24 hours. But, if you can, I can trade now

@moo311  Alright. 24 hours from it is. See you tomorrow then. Smile

@moo311 By the way, just wanted to clarify, will this be for Yvetal only? or also for the remaining mons?

By the way, can I make a 3rd batch request?  Big Grin
Here's another request.

Pokemon: Buzzwole
Shiny: NO
Gender: ~
Level: 100
Nature: Adamant
Item: Gold Bottlecap
Ability: Beast Boost
Pokerus: NO
Pokeball: Beast Ball
IVS: 0 Sp.Atk
Moves: Superpower, Earthquake, Leech Life, Ice Punch
OT (Optional): Heroesgreed

Pokemon: Kartana
Shiny: NO
Gender: ~
Level: 100
Nature: Jolly
Item: Gold Bottlecap
Ability: Beast Boost
Pokerus: NO
Pokeball: Beast Ball
IVS: 0 Sp.Atk
Moves: Swordsdance, Leafblade, Sacred Sword, Smart Strike
OT (Optional): Heroesgreed

Pokemon: Banette
Shiny: NO
Gender: Female
Level: 100
Nature: Adamant
Item: Gold Bottlecap
Ability: Cursed Body
Pokerus: NO
Pokeball: Timer Ball but if cannot a normal pokeball will do.
IVS: 0 Sp.Atk
Moves: Shadow Claw, Will-o-wish, Knock Off, Sucker Punch
Relearn Moves/Eggmoves (Optional): Destiny Bond, Gunk Shot, Phantom Force, Shadow Sneak
OT (Optional): Heroesgreed

Pokemon: Meowstic
Shiny: NO
Gender: Female
Level: 100
Nature: Timid
Item: Gold Bottlecap
Ability: Competitive
Pokerus: NO
Pokeball: Timer Ball but if cannot a normal pokeball will do.
IVS: 0 Atk
Moves: Psychic, Shadow Ball, Substitute, Thunderwave
Relearn Moves/Eggmoves (Optional): Trick, Barrier, Yawn, Assist
OT (Optional): Heroesgreed

Thank you in advance.

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