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[SUN/MOON] FT: Proofed events/Hats +LF: Silvally codes/Other proofed Inside.
Hi to you all.

Looking for new codes of Silvallys

I can offer 2 Proofed events for 1 Silvally code Pal (First 2/3 days) (Me: You)

1:1 if its Na code Silvally.

FT: here are some of my list.

Marshadow Mount tensei ChT Vid proofed (new ones)

Marshadow Mount tensei CHS vid proofed (new ones)

Satay_King Pikachu Spa vid proofed

Hoopa Kor Distribution movie vid proofed

Silvally events Jpn/ etc 9 lang

Lance Dragonite vid proofed

Garchomp Cythia vid proofed (Ita picture proof) Ger vid proofed)

Smeargle EXpo 2016 Gym Vid proofed

Comfey Birthday Jpn Proofed vid

Pre order victini Proofed video

Tohoku Tanabta Jirachi Jpn proofed vid

Darmanita Ita (Trainer N) Pgl Vid proofed

Shiny Gengar Pc event vid proofed
Tyranitar Kor 2016 vid proofed

Pokeball Vivillion Hiroshima vid proofed

Halloween Pc mimikyu (Worth 3/4 proofed one of lang)

PC bewear Eng Vid proofed

Kiawe Turtonator Vid proofed KOR

Lunar Magikarp vid proofed

Movie Zapdos Vid proofed Eng

Dahara City Kyurem/Dialga/Arceus Vid proofed KOR

Blastoise Pokescrap Vid proofed 2016

Tapu Koko Jpn Shiny Proofed vid

Masuda psyduck vid proofed

Bestow/Charity Pika 2017 Vid proofed CHT/CHS

Jirachi Kor Tanibata
@Drangor2 I should be getting a couple today :D
Dont know why I never thought to put this here...
All your Hidden Ability needs in one place <3
@wartty Great to know, let me know what ya like(i have many other stuff yet to post)
@Drangor2 lol I was gonna ask for shinies for your a good guy and I got 4 today, plus there were a bunch left, so I'll just give you one :p message me when your online later and I'll scratch one off for ya ~
Dont know why I never thought to put this here...
All your Hidden Ability needs in one place <3
Shall i pm ya?


Wartyy, some of the events that i have are shinys, or if you want i can list more info of pokemon events i have

(while normal non events shinys that i have are edited ones)

I have a PAL shiny silvally code that I would like to trade for your birthday comfey and maybe the pokeball vivillon.
@Rostafuraxin I can in a few minutes or later.

Edit: Going now online with jpn birthday Comfey and hiroshima vivillion.

Edit2: Got the code. Thank you Rosta. Sending proofs with title ''proofs''

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