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Redeem your pokemon
@AverageJoe January
Hey, I can redeem my pokemon the following days:

Day or date: Saturday - Sunday
Time: 2 PM to 2 AM
Timezone: UTC/GMT +1

What Pokemon should I deposit?

I'll wait for the confirmation to deposit the pokemon  Wink
@Duranfjg I can trade Saturday at 3 PM UTC. It's a link trade so make sure to add my fc. You don't have to send specific pokemon, just any pokemon you have that you're willing to trade.
(Nov 11, 2017, 06:51 AM)moo311 Wrote: @Duranfjg I can trade Saturday at 3 PM UTC. It's a link trade so make sure to add my fc. You don't have to send specific pokemon, just any pokemon you have that you're willing to trade.

Nice, i'm adding you  Smile  Thanks!

Edit: mi IGN is Apolo
I can trade currently Moo311
thanks man
@moo311 I'm available to trade for my Lycanroc right now please
@Tony Can you trade 7:30 PM EST Sat or Sun, whichever you prefer?
Can we do the trade on saturday around 6-7PM EST?
FC is 2380-7275-9875
@mrsexydeadpool Sure

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