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Let's see how creative you are, PokemonForever CLOSED i guess...
PokemonForever, I'm setting forth a challenge. I want you to make a Pokemon, or rather 7 Pokemon, to test your creativity. I'll be scoring them based on originality, backstory, and other criteria. What you need to do is supply me with names, origin and typing. For extra credit you can add fanart, BST + Ability ( you can make a new ability ) and if you want, a shiny form. I'll announce the winner in one week from now. The winner will get 1 of 3 Shiny BR Pokemon of their choice from a list and 2 runner ups will get selected randomly. Good luck.

You are assigned to make a group of Legendary Pokemon based on the 7 Wonders Of The World. The 7 Wonders Of The World are:

- The Mausoleum At Halicarnassus
- The Great Pyramid Of Giza
- The Hanging Gardens Of Babylon
- The Colossus Of Rhodes
- The Lighthouse Of Alexandria
- The Statue Of Zeus
- The Temple Of Artemis

Good Luck!
Thanks for all the good times~
This is interesting. Maybe I'll do something for it but to be honest what can you make for the Hanging Gardens!? I can think of some cool stuff for the Colossus though.

And why did you betray Team Bike Shorts?
SCP Foundation - Secure. Contain. Protect.

My trade shop - V2.3
@TheAlmightySancho I didn't though? I just happen to like both girls lol. Also when you think about out there's seemingly no way to make a Pokemon based on Yggdrasil yet we got Xerneas, so who knows what we can do?
Thanks for all the good times~
For some reason it's making me think of some Chandelure-esc thing made of hanging baskets and stuff. Even though that's not really very similar to the hanging gardens.
SCP Foundation - Secure. Contain. Protect.

My trade shop - V2.3
@TheAlmightySancho I'm sure y'all will surprise me. I'm very interested to see what you all do for The Mausoleum Of Halicarnassus though
Thanks for all the good times~
HANG ON, I'm going to spend an hour having to type up everything I want to say about a Pyramid Of Giza pokemon!
@Kris can i just draw them on paint and let the art speak for itself instead of explaining stuff?
@"yung lord" sure
Thanks for all the good times~
Bumpin' for y'all
Thanks for all the good times~
Bumpin' again
Thanks for all the good times~

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