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[SHOP OPEN] Sancho's Shiny Stop
Welcome To Sancho's Shiny Stop
Disclaimer: Please be aware that basically all of these are probably NOT legit as most came off the GTS, and don't complain to me about it.

We also have some events, they're not all shiny though. The event list is in blue.

If there's anything anyone wants, just leave a comment with your offer and I'll get back to you when I can. I've had a small revision of the place, colour-coded a few things and made it maybe easier to read through. Also, no more memes as of now.

Here's the current list: 
  • Naganadel - lv100, N/A, Pokeball, Beast Boost, 6IV, Timid
  • Machamp - lv99, F, Quickball, Guts, Pretty bad IVs, Gentle (might actually be legit, got it as a machoke of the GTS)
  • Raikou - lv100, N/A, Loveball, Pressure, 6IV, Timid (has pokerus)
  • Giratina - lv100, N/A, Luxuryball, Levitate, 6IV, Adamant (origin forme, it seems the OT is someone from the forums)
  • Azelf - lv100, N/A, Masterball, Levitate, 6IV, Timid
  • Tornadus - lv100, N/A, Luxuryball, Prankster, 5IV, Modest (missing attack, bad moveset)
  • Regirock - lv50, N/A, Masterball, Clear Body, 6IV, Adamant (the coolest regi)
  • Charizard - lv100, M, Pokeball, Solar Power, 6IV, Jolly
  • Kyurem - lv100, N/A, Premierball, Pressure, 5IV, Timid (missing attack)
  • Lugia - lv100, N/A, Healball, Pressure, 6IV, Timid (holding leftovers)
  • Nihilego - lv100, N/A, Beastball, Beast Boost, 6IV, Timid
  • Abomasnow - lv60, M, Quickball, Snow Warning (It's on UM and I've not checked its nature or IVs yet so they'll have to remain a mystery)
  • Porygon2 - lv100, N/A, Premierball, Trace, 6IV, Calm
  • Electivire - lv100, F, Premierball, Motor Drive, 6IV, Adamant
  • Politoed - lv100, F, Premierball, Water Absorb, 6IV, Modest
  • Slowking - lv100, F, Premierball, Regenerator, 6IV, Quiet
This list will be updated whenever I get any new stock for you, so check back when you can.

Open Times - All Times are GMT
Monday to Thursday - 5pm to 9:30pm
Friday - 5pm to 11pm
Saturday and Sunday - 12am to 11pm

These times will have about a 1 hour margin, bear in mind I'll be working in between certain hours but will still receive requests.


If the shop is in 'Temp Closed' state, feel free to post anyway and I'll get back to you when I can. If I am not on during the times specified, it is because I'm currently going through a lot of exams and whatnot and this takes up a lot of my time.

This is the event pokemon list: 
  • Hoopa - lv100, N/A, Cherishball, Magician, 6IV, Timid

The Special Unit
Why does this exist? It's a...different list. Containing all the shady-looking things which DO pass the trade checks, but they're usually events which don't have their ribbons and things. I do not support these pokemon, but you are welcome to ask for them anyway. I promise that IF they do destroy anything, you can have one of my other items for free (as long as you're not trying to pull a fast one).
  • Xerneas - lv100, N/A, Cherishball, Fairy Aura, 3IV, Serious (doesn't have the right ribbon, missing HP, SpAtk and SpDef)
  • Jirachi - lv100, N/A, Cherishball, Serene Grace, 6IV, Modest (it's shiny but I don't think it's the right event for Jirachi to be shiny, nor does it have the correct ribbon like Xerneas)
SCP Foundation - Secure. Contain. Protect.

My trade shop - V2.3
Hey Sancho, could i please trade for the Giratina? I will give you a spare shiny Caterpie (i shiny hunted for one, got this one on a random encounter) or my shiny Wingull
Caterpie: (incase you want to use it)
LV: 2
Nature: Calm
Ability: Shield Dust
IV's: 4

LV: 13
Nature: Lonely
Ability: Hydration
IV's: None

PM me if you want to trade.
Don't take this badly, but they're not exactly the most valuable of shinies. I usually prefer to trade the rarer ones, like legendaries, for other legendaries or higher-evolution pokemon. I'd trade Abomasnow or Porygon2, though.
SCP Foundation - Secure. Contain. Protect.

My trade shop - V2.3
Im gonna offer my pheromosa or Xurkitree for the kanto pikachu, and if u can, with its ezclusive z crystal

Pheromosa data:
Ball: Beast ball
Lvl: 60
Triple kick
Bug buzz
Me first

Xurkitree data:
Ball: Beast ball
Lvl: 65
Electric Terrain
Power whip

Its fine if u dont exept  Big Grin
(Mar 21, 2018, 07:01 PM)Bendytheinkdemon37 Wrote: PM me if you want to trade
Ok @TheAlmightySancho, i've got a spare Abomasnow on me, but i also have shiny Barbaracle, Heliolisk, Altaria, Yanmega, Nuzleaf, and Magcargo. heres their stats
LV: 60
Ball: Ultra Ball
Nature: Brave
Ability: Sniper
Night Slash
Razor Shell
Cross Chop
Stone Edge

LV: 60
Ball: Ultra Ball
Nature: Gentle
Ability: Sand Veil
Quick Attack
Parabolic Charge

LV: 60
Nature: Careful
Ability: Natural Cure
Dragon Pulse
Perish Song
Sky Attack

LV: 60
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Speed Boost
Air Slash
Bug Buzz

LV: 60
Nature: Lax
Ability: Chlorophyll
Feint Attack
Leaf Blade
Brick Break
Rock Slide

LV: 60
Nature: Modest
Ability: Magma Armor
Body Slam
Earth Power

LV: 60
Nature: Lonely
Ability: Snow Warning
Wood Hammer
Sheer Cold

Pick one of these, i still want to trade for the Giratina, im getting some pokemon ready for it. I want Naganadel or for one of these (Or two if their worth them)
Ive gotten a few of my legendaries and Ultra Beasts up for trade for the Giratina
here they are

LV: 60
Nature: Docile
Ability: Justified
Sacred Sword
Swords Dance
Quick Attack
Iron Head

LV: 60
Nature: Modest
Ability:Beast Boost
Seed Bomb
Skull Bash
Iron Defense

Nature: Impish
Ability: Levitate
Future Sight

Nature: Timid
Ability: Clear Body
Stone Edge
Hammer Arm
Zap Cannon

im putting those legendaries up for it Giratina. PM me for this one, also PM me about the Naganadel if i'm able to trade it (its ok if i can't have both, but if it is, i want Giratina)
(Mar 21, 2018, 09:37 PM)SalamenceSniper Wrote: @TheAlmightySancho
Ive gotten a few of my legendaries and Ultra Beasts up for trade for the Giratina
here they are

LV: 60
Nature: Docile
Ability: Justified
Sacred Sword
Swords Dance
Quick Attack
Iron Head

LV: 60
Nature: Modest
Ability:Beast Boost
Seed Bomb
Skull Bash
Iron Defense

Nature: Impish
Ability: Levitate
Future Sight

Nature: Timid
Ability: Clear Body
Stone Edge
Hammer Arm
Zap Cannon

im putting those legendaries up for it Giratina. PM me for this one, also PM me about the Naganadel if i'm able to trade it (its ok if i can't have both, but if it is, i want Giratina)

u must have a bunch of patients to type all of that wow (i not trying to be mean im just inpressed)
Still have pikachu?
@TheAlmightySancho I mean Kanto cap pikachu.

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