Dec 4, 2017, 06:54 PM (This post was last modified: Dec 4, 2017, 08:07 PM by Anglicpika.)
I know I'm new to the forums but I've heard these forums so much fun to be in so I thought might as I'm playing thru Pokémon moon again and wanted to have a cosmog and a type null on my team for the play thru I don't really care if they are legit or not or even legal Pokémon I just really want them for the play through so if anyone out there can help me out I would completely appreciate it thanks
if you think you can help out you can pm me
Thanks for helping of a newbie
Yea I'm still in need I tired the Gts but people are asking for like crazy things that I don't have
@Anglicpika This is basically what Drangor2 said but: you can try to offer a mon reasonably hard to get like a Porygon2 (Magmortar, Rhyperior etc.) and ask for a minor legendary such as the legendary birds and then request what you are looking for offering them. You will probably get a trade.
And if you have problems getting a Porygon2 etc. you can try to obtain one by "chaining" too. For example: