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Redeem your pokemon
5pm EST Thursday it is .
@MixQQ Timezone?
@moo311 i could trade today at 12:00 PM is that alright with you? Smile If you want we can do it right now too.
@moo311 Hello, is "today" 1am (my time UTC+1 so 7pm UTC-5 (your time iirc)) ok for you? It will not be today anymore for me hence the "" but you get the idea.
Hello, i still need 2 of the give away pokemons 
Stakataka & Blacephalon

Im online most days form 11am-9pm UTC+1
What do you think about tomorrow 6 pm UTC+1?

Thanks Smile
@Lucky Chloe Different time?
@Theobroco Sure
@MixQQ Can you trade Thursday around 5 PM?
@EndlessMc Wrong GA
Sorry my fc has changed it's 1264 1132 0598
I'm in the festival plaza now.
@moo311  Sorry for the problems with my request. I tried to check serebii events and make sure they were all legit but I guess I still missed that stuff. Were you able to fix them or do you need more input from me?

As far as trades go, I'm free anytime today/tonight, and tomorrow after 6:00 central time. I should also be pretty free over the weekend if you're too busy today and tomorrow. 

As always, thanks so much for all the work you put into this and sorry again if I caused you to have to do any extra work with those mistakes.
@neko124 Ok, can you wait 15-20 minutes?
@Boba_Fettish_ Most of them are fixed. Can you trade 9 PM your time today?

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