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Redeem your pokemon
Sure  Big Grin
(Dec 27, 2017, 11:02 AM)moo311 Wrote: @neko124 Ok, can you wait 15-20 minutes?
@Boba_Fettish_ Most of them are fixed. Can you trade 9 PM your time today?

9 pm my time sounds good. See you then.
@moo311  Sure!
Thank you! Big Grin
@moo311 I’m ready to trade whenever you are. I already added your FC and I’ll try to get on Festival Plaza right now (my FC is in my flair).
@SirCadian Victini can't be traded
(Dec 27, 2017, 05:45 AM)moo311 Wrote: @Testmeister I can trade 2 PM your time on Friday

Ok...Thank You!
how about the genning from :[GIVEAWAY] Any (legal) pokemon you want [S/M] ?
Added you :3 add me on my new 3ds: 4356-5334-3862 i'll be on for the next 4 hours, my ign is Karlos
@rayqon I prioritized this one and will finish genning the pokemon from the other giveaway when this ends

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