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Redeem your pokemon
awesome i'm ready very soon @moo311 50 minutes in to go  Smile
@moo311  I'm in game. I'll be online in FP @ 9:00 my time like we planned.
i'm ready! ~ @moo311 anytime since it's about 9 minutes to the target time. just send me an invite Smile
Are u on a usum game I can switch games but can we trade tomorrow
@Theobroco I have another trade scheduled then.
@Bird's Demise I can trade 4:30 PM EST Tomorrow.
@Saichi I was having some problems with my internet. Can you trade the same time tomorrow
Thx so much @moo311
@element_x49 I don't see your name in the friend list.
@moo311 oh odd? lemme check we've traded before
@moo311 Thanks so much. Sorry about the Rayquaza and Victini. I hope it wasn't my fault. If you figure out how to trade those I can be available the next couple days but if not, no worries and thanks for the ones I got!
(Dec 27, 2017, 08:18 PM)moo311 Wrote: @element_x49 I don't see your name in the friend list.

okay i've added you sorry I've always thought we were in each others list 

anyways i'm still available right now if you are ~

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