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Redeem your pokemon
@moo311 Thank you very much!
What time can you trade today if not @230
Hey @moo311 
is this trade related with the 

any pokemon. From S/M?

or isn’t that over?
(Dec 29, 2017, 07:05 AM)moo311 Wrote: @Ubi49

Remember, if you don't get them by Saturday (I'm not talking about notifying me by Saturday), with no exceptions, they will be deleted.

@moo311 I'm sorry, this month has been very complicated (not counting the festivities), and practically the console has been used by my cousin.

Should I use a special Pokémon for the trade?

Day or date: Today, Friday
Time: 17:00   19:00
Timezone: EST

For me it will be late, but If you can't around that time just tell me and I will adapt. Thank you.
@moo311 can I claim them tonight?


December 29 | 11:30 pm
@afsetxafset Can you trade tomorrow at 10 AM EST Sat?
@Ubi49 Sure. Send over trash pokemon like yungoos, pokemon you won't miss.
@element_x49 Sure
@Mermalain Redeeming will start mid-January
Sent a PM.
can you trade now ?
@afsetxafset I haven't seen the PM. I don't see your name in FP.
i can trade in @730 est
@afsetxafset Ok, I'll be on from now till 8:30

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