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Hey people!
Figured I should post here!

I started watching Justin stream last summer and it's been a bit on and off since then. I'm trying to play more Pokemon now, so hopefully I'll be staying this time around! Smile

I'm 21 years old, currently studying chemical engineering and engineering physics in Gothenburg, Sweden. I've been playing Pokemon since gen 1, but only got into playing competitively in gen 6. My favourite Pokemon is probably Bisharp, but it's prone to change.

Nice meeting you all!

Welcome to the forums! ^^
Hullo there! ^.^/
Hope you enjoy the community!
Evyii the Dragonslayer of #TeamForum

I'm back! Mostly playing LoL nowadays though. What is life, but homework and sleep.

Hi Muphry! Welcome to the forums!
Welcome :D
~Visit PokemonForever's Twitter Page~
Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
Be careful i heard some Slowpokes are ganging up on some Goomys Kappa
Welcome to the forum thing

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