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[VGC] Forum Battle Nights

Register for Battle of hoenn!

Registration Period: January 15th 2015 - January 22nd 2015
Battle Period: January 23rd 2015 - January 25th 2014
Battle Type: Single Battle
Battle Limits: 10 Battles per day
Pokémon Restrictions: Hoenn Pokédex
Banned Pokémon: Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Jirachi, Deoxys, Pokémon not captured or hatched in X, Y, Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire, Pokémon not in Hoenn Pokédex
This is cool! I'm going to start making a team

Right? I signed up they put me in junior division because its either master or Junior. No senior lol
from a quick glance at the hoenn dex I saw there are very few fire pokemon available. blaziken, torkoal, camerupt, and ninetales are the only ones I saw and two of them are only effective in trick room. looks like mega mawile and mega metagross will be very strong in this competition.

Flygon will get some attention for the dealing with them. I think I know what team I want.
I may host a tourney idk how BattleFY works though, How would you all think of that ;p
That would be cool podfighterninja

I'd join it.
Mk ill start looking into BattleFY stuff it may Happen this Saturday idk if thats enough time ;p
how do you join the battle for hoenn i have been trying but it wont let me

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