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[FORUM GAME] You're banned.
Banned because good night, I will snipe y'all tomorrow.
Banned because I am shiny tho, you're the not shiny one kappa
Tepig no sniping! Tepig no sniping! Tepig no sniping!
I'm Umbreon, the nocturnal member of #TeamForum
Those well-practiced in the art of deceit may find themselves welcome to join me on Town of Salem...
Banned because you dont know moon blast
Banned because if ur the night, how can we see that ur shiny?

Snoiped again. : (
I'm just here.

Banned because I glow like a blue star kappa
I'm Umbreon, the nocturnal member of #TeamForum
Those well-practiced in the art of deceit may find themselves welcome to join me on Town of Salem...
Banned for star abuse
Banned for committing genocide against your own type kappa
I'm Umbreon, the nocturnal member of #TeamForum
Those well-practiced in the art of deceit may find themselves welcome to join me on Town of Salem...
Banned because I haven't finished practicing
Evyii the Dragonslayer of #TeamForum

I'm back! Mostly playing LoL nowadays though. What is life, but homework and sleep.

Banned because of homework abuse
Banned because I do my algebra as I wait to be able to post again kappa
I'm Umbreon, the nocturnal member of #TeamForum
Those well-practiced in the art of deceit may find themselves welcome to join me on Town of Salem...

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