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Lf ha ability pokemon
Lf ha alomomola, ha hitmonlee, ha qwilfish, ha minccino, ha foongus, ha turtwig, ha mudkip, ha xatu, ha krabby

I'm offering ha ninetails, a solar power and dry skin helioptile, ha machop, ha charizard, adamant speed boost blaziken,ha chimchar, ha skrelp, ha tepig, ha oshawott, ha snivy, ha slowpoke, ha fennekin, ha bulbasuar, ha hoppip, ha froakie,ha darmanitan and sheer force, speed boost and tented lens yanmega , ha sliggoo, buneary with egg moves ice punch thunder punch sky uppercut, totodile with egg moves dragon dance ice punch dragon dance, ha bunnelby, ha volbeat, ha solosis, ha trevenant, ha dragonite, jolly terrakion, ha butterfree, ha whimsicott, ha murkrow, ha alakazam, ha politoed, ha porygon z, ha azumarill, ha fletchling, ha sceptile,ha chespin,ha maractus, ha ledyba,ha corphish with d dance aqua jet knock off, ha zubat, ha swootbat, ha litwick.also offering br shiny ha kangaskhan,ha tangela, ha venipede, ha piplup, ha murkrow.
I got HA solosis and phantump. I can give both to you for the shiny golbat. Are you able to nickname the golbat?
(Jan 24, 2015, 01:05 PM)Arctero Wrote: I got HA solosis and phantump. I can give both to you for the shiny golbat. Are you able to nickname the golbat?

No I can't I caught it in heart gold
that's fine. Do you want to trade now?
(Jan 24, 2015, 01:14 PM)Arctero Wrote: that's fine. Do you want to trade now?

yeah adding you now
I have minccino's with 5 IV's but probably wont be able to trade till monday
Past Giveaways:
Unova water and fire starters with HA's
Chimchar with HA's and egg moves
HA Gible
HA Sableye
HA Minccino
BR HA feraligatr
BR Mega Gallade
BR Garchomp
BR Terrakion
BR Shiny Dragonite

Feel free to PM for info on past giveaways might have some left over
Hey man, I'm breeding Totodiles right now. DD, Aqua Jet, and Ice Punch
Any chance you'd want one in exchange for that HA Skrelp or Slowpoke?
Also, the totodiles aren't HA.. Idk if that matters to you or not
I got the Speed Boost Venipede
I'm just here.

(Jan 24, 2015, 06:51 PM)GingerxPug Wrote: I got the Speed Boost Venipede

What do you want for it?
I was thinking maybe Entei if it had a good nature and IVs
I'm just here.


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