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Legendaries for trade!
I'm sure, cause I don't think it would be fair to trade just one for a shiny Porygon,
My info is on the left I'll be online in a sec Smile
(Feb 15, 2015, 06:08 PM)IvanCuhh Wrote: I'm sure, cause I don't think it would be fair to trade just one for a shiny Porygon,
My info is on the left I'll be online in a sec Smile

thank you so much!!!! if it's not too much hassle could you leave me a +1 rep?? Smile
Sure, thanks for the Porygon :D
hey do you still have the shaymin or darkrai? the shinnies I have are Gyarados, Zubat, Hoppip, geodude, Machop, Lotad, Rattata, starly, and camerupt...thanks!
(Feb 16, 2015, 12:51 PM)cgsoccer7 Wrote: hey do you still have the shaymin or darkrai? the shinnies I have are Gyarados, Zubat, Hoppip, geodude, Machop, Lotad, Rattata, starly, and camerupt...thanks!

yes i have them both! i would like the gyarados and lotad if they are still available Smile
(Feb 16, 2015, 12:51 PM)cgsoccer7 Wrote: hey do you still have the shaymin or darkrai? the shinnies I have are Gyarados, Zubat, Hoppip, geodude, Machop, Lotad, Rattata, starly, and camerupt...thanks!

Hey what are the stats on that camerupt? And what would you want for it?

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