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[TRADE] Almost done my Living Dex!!
All I need to complete my living dex is Porygon2, Porygon-Z, Electivire, Magmortar, and Cinccino!
I have some legit shinnies and a few 5 iv or BR pokemon.....Please help me out!

I've got Electivire, Magmortar and Minccino Smile
what do you want for them!
What BR do you have? Smile
Sp attacker Gengar, Defensive Surprise sp attacker Tyranitar....then a 5 iv pachirisu, 5 iv horsea and snorunt
Anything else? Can you tell me what shinys you have too? Smile
Shinnies I have Deoxys, Rattata, Geodude, Lombre, and joltik
I have a porygon-z, i am also trying to get a living pokedex and the only pokemons i need are phione, manaphy and meloetta. So maybe if you want to trade one let me know something
I can trade you a Phione for your Porygon-z?
I'm not home right now but I'll comment back when I am

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