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[TRADE] Updated Trade Shop!! LOOK INSIDE!
Welcome everyone to my trade shop, up here is absolutely everything that I have for trade!
First off a couple of rules:

FC: 3797-7110-5551
IGN: dean

1) Everything here is on my pokemon alpha sapphire game, if I accept a trade please have my FC added (3797-7110-5551), this just makes everything run a whole lot easier and a whole lot quicker.
2) I am mainly looking for things in my looking for list, however your offers dont have to be limited for that, im looking for all competitive pokemon!
3) My battle format is VGC, so i would love VGC viable pokemon, however I do like abstract strategies so feel free to offer me not so common pokemon!
4) Please note I am only looking for pokemon with the blue pentagon (Kalos born/bred)
5) My preferred method is to trade equal value pokemon for equal value (ie shiny 5IV legend for shiny 5IV legend), however I am willing to accept downgrades/upgrades, just make an offer that you think is reasonable and we shall go from there
6) Have fun and dont forget to leave a +1! Smile
7) Enjoy trading!

My Looking for list:

5IV Modest Charizard Y ( Bulky set) with fire pledge
5IV Bold Chlorophyll Venusaur with fire pledge
5IV Adamant Huge Power Azumarill EM: Aqua Jet, Superpower,
5IV Modest Blastoise with water pledge EM: Water Spout
5IV Adamant Defiant Braviary
5IV Modest Mega Salamence (Special set)
5IV Mega slowbro (Not sure of a good build for this, so surprise me with yours!)
5IV Brave Rhyperior (0 Speed IV)

5/6IV Kalos Born Shiny Battle Ready Pokemon

6IV Sassy Regenerator Amoonguss
6IV Modest Flash Fire Heatran
5IV Modest Infiltrator Chandelure
6IV Timid Levitate Gengar
6IV Bold Serene Grace Togekiss
6IV Adamant Iron Fist Conkeldurr
6IV Adamant Thick Fat Mamoswine
6IV Adamant Technician Breloom
5IV Bold Serene Grace Chansey
5IV Adamant Gale Wings Talonflame
5IV Timid Levitate Hydreigon
5IV Modest Pixilate Sylveon
5IV Timid Levitate Rotom Wash
5IV Jolly Blaze Charizard

5/6IV Kalos Born Shiny Pokemon (Not Battle Ready)

6IV Timid Inner Focus Lucario
6IV Bold Pressure Suicune
5IV Relaxed Levitate Cresselia
6IV Adamant Blaze Charmander
5IV Adamant Defiant Piplup
5IV Adamant Guts Tyrogue
5IV Jolly Iron Fist Chimchar
5IV Adamant Guts Larvitar
5IV Jolly Pure Power Meditite
6IV Naughty Synchronize Espeon
6IV Modest Adaptability Eevee

5/6IV Kalos Born Battle Ready Legendaries

5IV Sassy Levitate Cresselia
5IV Timid Levitate Latios
5IV Bold Pressure Suicune
5IV Timid Levitate Latias
6IV Jolly Justified Terrakion
6IV Timid Levitate Latios
6IV Adamant Intimidate Landorus T
5IV Adamant Intimidate Landorus T
5IV Jolly Justified Virizion

5/6IV Kalos Born Legendaries (Not Battle Ready)

5IV Bold Prankster Thundurus
5IV Bold Pressure Zapdos
5IV Timid Pressure Raikou
5IV Quiet Flash Fire Heatran
5IV Adamant Pressure Entei

5/6IV Kalos Born Battle Ready Pokemon

5IV Brave Guts Hariyama
5IV Brave Intimidate Mawile
5IV Brave Sand Stream Tyranitar
5IV Adamant Clear Body Metagross
5IV Bold Magic Guard Clefable
5IV Jolly Pickpocket Weavile
5IV Modest Trace Gardevoir
6IV Timid Swift Swim Ludicolo
5IV Modest Swift Swim Ludicolo
5IV Adamant Defiant Bisharp
5IV Jolly Justified Gallade
5IV Relaxed Sturdy Aggron
5IV Adamant Sheer Force Rampardos
5IV Lonely Scrappy Kangaskhan
5IV Adamant Super Luck Absol
5IV Adamant Intimidate Salamence
5IV Adamant Sturdy Donphan
6IV Modest Pixilate Sylveon
5IV Jolly Moxie Pinsir
5IV Adamant Sand Stream Tyranitar
5IV Timid Drizzle Politoad
6IV Jolly Sheer Force Tauros
5IV Jolly Adaptability Tauros
5IV Adamant Technician Scyther
5IV Bold Overgrow Venusaur
5IV Impish Volt Absorb Pachirisu
5IV Adamant Intimidate Mawile
5IV Adamant Intimidate Arcanine
5IV Jolly Klutz Lopunny
5IV Adamant Clear Body Metagross
6IV Jolly Moxie Pinsir
5IV Modest Competitive Milotic
5IV Calm Prankster Sableye
5IV Adamant Overgrow Sceptile
5IV Naughty Sand Veil Garchomp
6IV Jolly Scrappy Kangaskhan
6IV Modest Swift Swim Kingdra
6IV Modest Sheer Force Nidoking

5/6IV Kalos Born Pokemon (Not Battle Ready)

5IV Jolly Anger Point Sandile
5IV Jolly Mold Breaker Pinsir
5IV Adamant Marvel Scale Dratini
5IV Adamant Prankster Murkrow
5IV Modest Adaptability Skrelp
5IV Adamant No Guard Machop
5IV Adamant Speed Boost Torchic
6IV Jolly Strong Jaw Tyrunt
6IV Adamant Torrent Mudkip
5IV Bold Skill Link Shellder
5IV Jolly Inner Focus Zubat
5IV Naughty Swarm Heracross
5IV Bold Clear Body Tentacool
5IV Bold Own Tempo Espurr
5IV Timid Dry Skin Helioptile
5IV Adamant Huge Power Marill
5IV Adamant Skill Link Minccino
5IV Adamant Static Elekid
5IV Bold Cursed Body Frillish
5IV Impish Immunity Gligar
5IV Jolly Tangled Feet Pidgey
6IV Adamant Frisk Shuppet
5IV Modest Hustle Zweilous
5IV Brave No guard Honedge
5IV Bold Overgrow Bulbasaur
5IV Adamant Guts Larvitar

Just a couple of things to note, I know I have some pokemon listed twice, no that is not a mistake, I do have doubles of those pokemon, some pokemon may have their hidden ability or egg moves, if you wish to know more details about a pokemon such as their moveset or EV spread just ask and I will be more than willing to help you!
Thankyou for staying, hope you enjoyed trading with me and dont forget to leave a +1! Smile
I'm interested in that KB Zapdos o:
Some VGC pokes I could give you that you might be interested in are:
- 5IV Bold Thundurus
- 4IV Bold Thundurus w/ Hidden Power Ice
- 5IV Modest Rotom-H
- 5IV Adamant AV Landorus-T (180HP/232Attack/96Speed)
- 5IV Quiet Aegislash EM: Wide Guard (6 mon breeding chain xD)

Let me know if you are interested and which you are interested in Smile
(Apr 20, 2015, 04:05 AM)AbruptFury Wrote: I'm interested in that KB Zapdos o:
Some VGC pokes I could give you that you might be interested in are:
- 5IV Bold Thundurus
- 4IV Bold Thundurus w/ Hidden Power Ice
- 5IV Modest Rotom-H
- 5IV Adamant AV Landorus-T (180HP/232Attack/96Speed)
- 5IV Quiet Aegislash EM: Wide Guard (6 mon breeding chain xD)

Let me know if you are interested and which you are interested in Smile

I like all except the lando!
Do you have EV spreads on them??
I'll fetch 'em Smile
252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA

Thundurus (4IV HP Ice)
224 HP / 136 Def / 52 SpA / 92 SpD

212 HP / 36 Def / 188 SpA / 36 SpD / 38 Spe

Thundurus (5IV)
176 HP / 140 Def / 44 SpA / 76 SpD / 72 Spe

Apparently, there are some spare EVs on HP Ice Thundurus, like 4-6.
(Apr 20, 2015, 04:47 AM)AbruptFury Wrote: Aegislash
252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA

Thundurus (4IV HP Ice)
224 HP / 136 Def / 52 SpA / 92 SpD

212 HP / 36 Def / 188 SpA / 36 SpD / 38 Spe

Thundurus (5IV)
176 HP / 140 Def / 44 SpA / 76 SpD / 72 Spe

Apparently, there are some spare EVs on HP Ice Thundurus, like 4-6.

which IV's is the 4IV HP Ice thundurus missing?
and whats the moveset on the 5IV thundurus?
(Apr 20, 2015, 05:12 AM)ashketchum116 Wrote: which IV's is the 4IV HP Ice thundurus missing?
and whats the moveset on the 5IV thundurus?

HP Ice Thundurus has 31/30/30/31/31/31 IVs.
5IV Thundurus has Thunderbolt, Taunt, Thunder Wave and Grass Knot.
(Apr 20, 2015, 05:15 AM)AbruptFury Wrote:
(Apr 20, 2015, 05:12 AM)ashketchum116 Wrote: which IV's is the 4IV HP Ice thundurus missing?
and whats the moveset on the 5IV thundurus?

HP Ice Thundurus has 31/30/30/31/31/31 IVs.
5IV Thundurus has Thunderbolt, Taunt, Thunder Wave and Grass Knot.

I'd gladly accept the HP Ice thundurus for it!

EDIT: also is there anything else that interests you for the aegislash and rotom -H?
(Apr 20, 2015, 05:19 AM)ashketchum116 Wrote: I'd gladly accept the HP Ice thundurus for it!

EDIT: also is there anything else that interests you for the aegislash and rotom -H?

I have duplicates of them. I can trade you them for fodder Smile

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